Publication Type
2024 In situ Diazonium Salt Formation and Photochemical Aryl-Aryl Coupling in Continuous Flow Monitored by Inline NMR Spectroscopy
Deckers, Christoph; Rehm, Thomas
Journal Article
2022 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse im Projekt CarbonCat zur Veröffentlichung
Rehm, Thomas; Krüger, Anke; Sahlmann, Benjamin
2022 Syntheseanalage mit integriertem NMR-, UV-Vis- und IR-Spektroskopiemodul und Software zur automatisierten und selbstoptimierenden Durchführung chemischer Synthesen
Rehm, Thomas; Deckers, Christoph; Schmincke, Hans; Bussas, Martin
2021 Photochemistry in flow for drug discovery
Rehm, Thomas H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Reactor technology concepts for flow photochemistry
Rehm, Thomas H.
Journal Article
2020 Flow photochemistry as a tool in organic synthesis
Rehm, Thomas H.
Journal Article
2019 Mikroreaktor für photokatalytische Reaktionen
Krüger, Anke; Rehm, Thomas
2018 CarbonCat - Photochemische CO2-Assimilierung mit sichtbarem Licht auf mikrostrukturierten Diamantoberflächen in kontinuierlich betriebenen Mikroreaktoren
Rehm, Thomas H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Blue light mediated C-H arylation of heteroarenes using TiO2 as an immobilized photocatalyst in a continuous-flow microreactor
Fabry, David; Ho, Yee Ann; Zapf, Ralf; Tremel, Wolfgang; Panthöfer, Martin; Rueping, Magnus; Rehm, Thomas H.
Journal Article
2017 Chemoselective three-phase hydrogenation of an Ombrabulin nitro-stilbene intermediate in a continuous-flow mobile platform
Rehm, Thomas H.; Reinhard, Dorothee; Kost, Hans-Joachim; Hofmann, Christian; Zapf, Ralf; Löb, Patrick; Laribi, Yosra; Perrichon, Philippe D.; Berguerand, Charline; Kiwi-Minsker, Lioubov; Sulman, Esther; Szirbik, Gabor; Richert, Hannes; Lang, Jürgen; Gottfried, Michael; Roggan, Stefan
Journal Article
2017 Continuous-flow synthesis of fluorine-containing fine chemicals with integrated benchtop NMR analysis
Rehm, Thomas H.; Hofmann, Christian; Reinhard, Dorothee; Kost, Hans-Joachim; Löb, Patrick; Besold, Matthias; Welzel, Knut; Barten, Jan; Didenko, Andrey; Sevenard, Dmitri V.; Lix, Bruce; Hillson, Andrew R.; Riegel, Susanne D.
Journal Article
2016 Photocatalysis with visible light - optimization and scale-up for the falling-film microreactor
Rehm, Thomas H.; Gros, Sylvain; Renken, Albert; Löb, Patrick
Journal Article
2016 Photonic contacting of gas-liquid phases in a falling film microreactor for continuous-flow photochemical catalysis with visible light
Rehm, Thomas H.; Gros, Sylvain; Löb, Patrick; Renken, Albert
Journal Article
2016 Magnetic fixation of dendron-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles with palladium for continuous-flow suzuki reactions
Rehm, Thomas H.; Hofmann, Christian; Löb, Patrick; Shifrina, Z.B.; Morgan, David Gene; Bronstein, Lyudmila M.
Journal Article
2016 Photochemical fluorination reactions - A promising research field for continuous-flow synthesis
Rehm, Thomas H.
Journal Article
2016 Continuously operated falling film microreactor for selective hydrogenation of carbon-carbon triple bonds
Rehm, Thomas H.; Berguerand, Charline; Ek, Satu; Zapf, Ralf; Löb, Patrick; Nikoshvili, Linda; Kiwi-Minsker, Lioubov
Journal Article
2015 Proof of concept: Magnetic fixation of dendron-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles containing palladium nanoparticles for continuous-flow suzuki coupling reactions
Rehm, Thomas H.; Bogdan, Anca; Hofmann, Christian; Löb, Patrick; Shifrina, Zinaida; Morgan, David Gene; Bronstein, Lyudmila M.
Journal Article
2015 ContiNMR: Monitoring and controlling continuous synthesis reactors with Benchtop NMR
Riegel, Susanne; Rehm, Thomas H.
Conference Paper
2014 Photokatalyse mit sichtbarem Licht - eine nachhaltige Anwendung für den Fallfilm-Mikroreaktor
Rehm, Thomas H.; Poeschel, Martin; Löb, Patrick
Journal Article
2014 Continuous-flow photochemistry in microstructured environment
Rehm, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Integration eines Mikroreaktor-basierten Multipurpose-Aufbaus in eine containerartige Produktionsinfrastruktur
Löb, Patrick; Rehm, Thomas H.; Ghaini, Aras; Illg, Tobias; Lang, J.; Richert, Hannes
Journal Article
2014 Multipurpose flow system integration into container-like production infrastructure
Löb, Patrick; Rehm, Thomas H.; Ghaini, Aras; Kost, Hans-Joachim; Illg, Tobias; Lang, Jürgen; Richert, Hannes
Conference Paper
2014 Photocatalysis with visible light : A sustainable application for the falling film microreactor
Rehm, Thomas H.; Löb, Patrick
Conference Paper
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