Publication Type
2021 Ontology modelling for materials science experiments
Alam, M.; Birkholz, H.; Dessi, D.; Eberl, C.; Fliegl, H.; Gumbsch, P.; Hartrott, P. von; Mädler, L.; Niebel, M.; Sack, H.; Thomas, A.
Conference Paper
2021 Investigation of ionic liquids with and without graphene as lubricant additive for metal/metal and metal/PEEK contacts over a wide temperature range
Amann, T.; Gatti, F.; Li, K.; Demirel, Y.; Kailer, A.; Feng, H.; Yuan, C.
Journal Article
2021 Nasslaufende, schaltbare Reibungskupplung, Kraftfahrzeug mit einer derartigen Reibungskupplung, sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben der Reibungskupplung
Amann, Tobias; Kailer, Andreas; Gatti, Felix; Abicht, Johannes; Rabenecker, Peter; Baltes, Norman
2021 Wurtzite ScAlN, InAlN and GaAlN crystals, a comparison of structural, elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties
Ambacher, O.; Christian, B.; Feil, N.; Urban, D.F.; Elsässer, C.; Prescher, M.; Kirste, L.
Journal Article
2021 Damage modeling of aluminum casting components considering defect distribution for crashworthiness prediction
Andrieux, F.; Frie, C.; Sun, D.-Z.
Conference Paper
2021 Bestimmung der Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Crashverhalten stranggepresster Aluminiumprofile und den Herstellungsprozessen durch Experimente und numerische Simulation
Andrieux, Florence; Fehrenbach, Clemens; Oeser, Sabine; Sun, Dong-Zhi; Müller, Sören; Nitschke, René; Ringhand, Dirk
2021 Entwicklung eines Rissinitiierungsmodels für Schmiedefehler in Rotorstählen unter zyklischer Belastung: Abschlussbericht
Aydin, Ali; Varfolomeev, Igor
2021 Variations in strain affect friction and microstructure evolution in copper under a reciprocating tribological load
Becker, S.; Schulz, K.; Scherhaufer, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
Journal Article
2021 Calculation methods to assess threshold and propagation behaviour of mechanically short cracks at high temperatures
Bellmer, M.; Schlesinger, M.; Brune, T.; Krämer, M.; Kontermann, C.
Conference Paper
2021 Tribologische Aspekte zukünftiger Verbrennungsmotoren für Power-to-X
Berlet, P.; Hoffmann, D.; Pöhlmann, K.; Kailer, A.; Khader, I.; Kürten, D.; Luther, R.; Rausch, J.; Rynio, C.; Neuhaus, J.; Cornelsen, T.; Emde, T.
Conference Paper
2021 Tribological behavior of electrically conductive lubricants and adapted nanocomposites in sliding bearings using ionic liquids and graphene
Beyer-Faiss, S; Korth, Y.; Amann, T.; Schubert, T.; Plebst, S
Conference Paper
2021 Consistent Thermo-Capillarity and Thermal Boundary Conditions for Single-Phase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Bierwisch, C.
Journal Article
2021 Particle-based simulation and dimensional analysis of laser powder bed fusion for polymers and metals
Bierwisch, Claas; Mohseni Mofidi, Seyyid Shoya; Dietemann, Bastien; Kraft, Torsten; Rudloff, Johannes; Baumann, Stéphanie; Popp, Kevin; Lang, Marieluise
Conference Paper
2021 Universal process diagrams for laser sintering of polymers
Bierwisch, Claas; Mohseni Mofidi, Seyyid Shoya; Dietemann, Bastien; Grünewald, Moritz; Rudloff, Johannes; Lang, Marieluise
Journal Article
2021 Measuring Magneto-Mechanical Hysteresis during Fatigue Testing using Optically Pumped Magnetometers
Blug, Andreas; Koss, Peter A.; Durmaz, Ali Riza; Laskin, Gennadii; Bertz, Alexander; Kühnemann, Frank; Straub, Thomas
2021 Verbundvorhaben: Optimierte Oberflächen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz innovativer Injektionsgeräte für Dünger EffID, Teilprojekt 1
Blug, B.
2021 Functionally graded ceramics
Brist, O. van der; Neubrand, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Optimierte Messung des Relaxationsverhaltens von Kupfer und Kupferlegierungen mittels Cantilever-Versuchen und Machine Learning gestützter Parameteridentifikation als Basis für die Simulation des Relaxationsverhalten von Kupferbauteilen
Butz, Alexander; Norouzi, Ebrahim; Morand, Lukas; Weber, Matthias; Schlay, B.; Bauer, F.; Pfeffer, Karin; Helm, Dirk; Klotz, Ulrich E.; Eisenbart, Miriam
Conference Paper
2021 Modeling of component failure due to notch effects in press-hardened steel caused by mechanical and thermo-mechanical joints under crash load
Bähr, P.; Sommer, S.; Unruh, E.; Meschut, G.
Conference Paper
2021 Assessment of analytical orientation prediction models for suspensions containing fibers and spheres
Dietemann, Bastien; Bosna, Fatih; Kruggel-Emden, Harald; Kraft, Torsten; Bierwisch, Claas
Journal Article
2021 Numerical study of texture in material extrusion: Orientation in a multicomponent system of spheres and ellipsoids
Dietemann, Bastien; Bosna, Fatih; Lorenz, Milena; Travitzky, Nahum; Kruggel-Emden, Harald; Kraft, Torsten; Bierwisch, Claas
Journal Article
2021 Analyse und Bewertung lokaler Arrestereignisse bei Komponenten unter dynamischer Belastung
Discher, Dominik; Tlatlik, Johannes; Huberth, Frank
2021 Efficient Experimental and Data-Centered Workflow for Microstructure-Based Fatigue Data
Durmaz, A.R.; Hadzic, N.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.
Journal Article
2021 A deep learning approach for complex microstructure inference
Durmaz, A.R.; Müller, M.; Lei, B.; Thomas, A.; Britz, D.; Holm, E.A.; Eberl, C.; Mücklich, F.; Gumbsch, P-
Journal Article
2021 Radikale Beschleunigung - Design einer disziplinübergreifenden Innovationszelle
Eberl, C.; Schmidt, A.; Beckmann, W.; Koos, H.
Journal Article
2021 Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von ausscheidungshärtenden Legierungen im System Cu-Ni-Al
Eisenbart, M.; Friedmann, Valerie; Preußner, Johannes; Lutz, T.; Warres, C.; Bauer, F.; Klotz, U. E.
Journal Article
2021 Architecturing materials at mesoscale: Some current trends
Estrin, Y.; Beygelzimer, Y.; Kulagin, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Fratzl, P.; Zhu, Y.; Hahn, H.
Journal Article
2021 Bewertung von Unregelmäßigkeiten im Bezug auf die Ermüdungsfestigkeit unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung der Blechdicke
Fenzl, R.; Jung, M.
2021 Effective screening of medium-assisted van der Waals interactions between embedded particles
Fiedler, J.; Walter, M.; Buhmann, S.Y.
Journal Article
2021 Experimental investigation of the damage characteristics of two cast aluminium alloys: Pt.I - Temperature dependent low cycle and thermomechanical fatigue behavior
Fischer, C.; Schweizer, C.
Journal Article
2021 Experimental investigation of the damage characteristics of two cast aluminium alloys: Pt.II - LCF/HCF and TMF/HCF loading with special focus on the short crack growth behavior
Fischer, C.; Schweizer, C.
Journal Article
2021 Experimental investigation of the damage characteristics of two cast aluminium alloys: Pt.III - Influence of the local microstructure and initial defect size on the fatigue properties
Fischer, C.; Schweizer, C.
Journal Article
2021 Large characteristic lengths in 3D chiral elastic metamaterials
Frenzel, T.; Hahn, V.; Ziemke, P.; Schneider, J.L.G.; Chen, Y.; Kiefer, P.; Gumbsch, P.; Wegener, M.
Journal Article
2021 Makroskopische Reibwertsteuerung mit elektrischen Potenzialen unter Verwendung ionischer Flüssigkeitsgemische
Gatti, F.; Amann, T.; Kailer, A.; Rabenecker, P.; Baltes, N.; Marx, B.; Rühe, J.
Conference Paper
2021 Efficient Modeling Workflow for Accurate Electronic Structures of Hybrid Perovskites
Gebhardt, J.; Wei, W.; Elsässer, C.
Journal Article
2021 Investigating the fatigue behaviour of small scale and real size HFMI-treated components of high strength steels
Gkatzogiannis, S.; Schubnell, J.; Knoedel, P.; Farajian, M.; Ummenhofer, T.; Luke, M.
Journal Article
2021 A combined experimental and atomistic investigation of PTFE double tansfer film formation and lubrication in rolling point contacts
Goeldel, Stephan von; Reichenbach, Thomas; König, Florian; Mayrhofer, Leonhard; Moras, Gianpietro; Jacobs, Georg; Moseler, Michael
Journal Article
2021 A review of recent developments in molecular dynamics simulations of the photoelectrochemical water splitting process
Goga, N.; Mayrhofer, L.; Tranca, I.; Nedea, S.; Heijmans, K.; Ponnuchamy, V.; Vasilateanu, A.
Journal Article
2021 Efficient Characterization and Modelling of the Nonlinear Behaviour of LFT for Crash Simulations
Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias; Andrä, Heiko; Staub, Sarah; Lienhard, Jörg; Schweiger, Timo; Herd, Olaf
Conference Paper
2021 Verbundvorhaben: Erhöhung der Lebensdauer, Belastbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Lager- und Getriebekomponenten in Windkraftanlagen : Schlussbericht zum Projekt WindPower-Life : Verbundforschungsvorhaben im Rahmen des 6. Energieforschungsprogramms des BMWi "Forschung für eine umweltschonende, zuverlässige und bezahlbare Energieversorgung" : Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2018 bis 31.03.2021
Grundei, Stefan; Kailer, Andreas; Schubert, Thomas; Franke, Jörg; Dellwo, Ulrike; Plebst, Sebastian; Kürten, Dominik; Panagiotidou, Natalya; Franken, Mark
2021 Experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of the polyamide 12 powder bed fusion with the aim of building dimensionless characteristic numbers
Grünewald, M.; Popp, K.; Rudloff, J.; Lang, M.; Sommereyns, A.; Schmidt, M.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C.
Journal Article
2021 CupNet - Pruning a Network for Geometric Data
Heese, Raoul; Morand, Lukas; Helm, Dirk; Bortz, Michael
Conference Paper
2021 Modelling and experimental validation of material deformation at different zones of welded structural-steel under multiaxial loading
Hemmesi, K.; Holey, H.; Elmoghazy, A.; Böhm, R.; Farajian, M.; Schulze, V.
Journal Article
2021 Rotational dynamics of water at phospholipid bilayer depending on the head groups studied by molecular dynamics simulations
Higuchi, Y.; Asano, Y.; Kuwahara, T.; Hishida, M.
Journal Article
2021 Geometry modelling and elastic property prediction for short fiber composites
Hohe, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Validation of Puck's failure criterion for CFRP composites in the cryogenic regime
Hohe, J.; Schober, M.; Weiss, K.-P.; Appel, S.
Journal Article
2021 Performance of fiber reinforced materials under cryogenic conditions - A review
Hohe, J.; Neubrand, A.; Fliegener, S.; Beckmann, C.; Schober, M.; Weiss, K.-P.; Appel, S.
Journal Article
2021 Effect of cryogenic environments on failure of carbon fiber reinforced composites
Hohe, J.; Schober, M.; Fliegener, S.; Weiss, K.-P.; Appel, S.
Journal Article
2021 Local Microscopic and Integral Macroscopic Analysis of Magnetic Pulse Welds and Deformations for Dissimilar Metal Joints
Huberth, F.; Ragupathi, B.; Scheffler, C.; Psyk, V.; Preußner, J.
Conference Paper
2021 A numerical approach for the determination of graphite deformation behaviour by using microtribological pressure tests
Joerger, A.; Morstein, C.; Dienwiebel, M.; Albers, A.
Journal Article
2021 Fatigue life assessment of cast steel components containing inner defects using a damage parameter based model
Jung, M.; Nagel, S.; Toma, E.P.; Farajian, M.; Ummenhofer, T.
Conference Paper
2021 Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von wassergeschmierten Gleitpaarungen in Pumpen
Kailer, A.; Brunken, H.; Bahnsen, C.; Woizenko, A.; Wiebel, C.; Rovere, F.; Blug, B.; Thelke, J.; Schicktanz, R.
Conference Paper
2021 Carbon nanotubes as fillers for composites with enhanced thermal conductivity
Klemenz, A.; Mayrhofer, L.; Lenczowski, B.; Moseler, M.
Journal Article
2021 Compensating data shortages in manufacturing with monotonicity knowledge
Kurnatowski, M. von; Schmid, J.; Link, P.; Zache, R.; Morand, L.; Kraft, T.; Schmidt, I.; Schwientek, J.; Stoll, A.
Journal Article
2021 Superlow friction of a-C:H coatings in vacuum: Passivation regimes and structural characterization of the sliding interfaces
Kuwahara, Takuya; Long, Yun; Barros Bouchet, Maria-Isabel de; Martin, Jean Michel; Moras, Gianpietro; Moseler, Michael
Journal Article
2021 Influence of extended defects on the formation energy, hyperfine structure, and zero-field splitting of NV centers in diamond
Körner, W.; Urban, D.F.; Elsässer, C.
Journal Article
2021 Growth defects in heteroepitaxial diamond
Lebedev, Vadim; Engels, Jan; Kustermann, Jan; Weippert, Jürgen; Cimalla, Volker; Kirste, Lutz; Giese, Christian; Quellmalz, Patricia; Graff, Andreas; Meyer, Frank; Höfer, Markus; Sittinger, Volker
Journal Article
2021 Optimal design of unit-cell based programmable materials
Lichti, Tobias; Andrä, Heiko; Leichner, Alexander; Müller, Ralf; Wenz, Franziska
Journal Article
2021 Schaltbare Viskosität zur Kontrolle von Reiburg
Linsler, D.; Gäbert, C.; Schlüter, F.; Reinicke, S.; Dienwiebel, M.
Conference Paper
2021 Subsurface microstructural evolution during scratch testing on Bcc Iron
Linsler, D.; Ruebeling, F.; Greiner, C.
Journal Article
2021 Effect of Machined Surface Integrity on Fatigue Performance of Metal Workpiece: A Review
Liu, G.; Huang, C.; Zhao, B.; Wang, W.; Sun, S.
2021 In Situ Synthesis of Graphene Nitride Nanolayers on Glycerol-Lubricated Si3N4 for Superlubricity Applications
Long, Y.; Kuwahara, T.; Barros Bouchet, M.-I. de; Ristic, A.; Dörr, N.; Lubracht, T.; Dupuy, L.; Moras, G.; Martin, J.M.; Moseler, M.
Journal Article
2021 Influence of a P92 typical post weld heat treatment on the long-term properties of Alloy 617 at 600°C power plant operation
Maier, G.; Sommer, H.; Widera, M.; Neumann, F.; Somsen, C.
Conference Paper
2021 SULUTRIB - Neue experimentelle Ansätze zur Messung suprakleiner Reibungs- und Verschließzustände
Makowski, S.; Dienwiebel, M.
Conference Paper
2021 Quantification of the carbon bonding state in amorphous carbon materials: A comparison between EELS and NEXAFS measurements
Mangolini, F.; Li, Z.; Marcus, M.A.; Schneider, R.; Dienwiebel, M.
Journal Article
2021 Der Griff zu den Sternen: Neuartige Additive für die Grenzreibung
Markert, D.; Klein, R.; Kruse, L.; Falk, L.; Moseler, M.; Rausch, J.; Luther, R.
Conference Paper
2021 Review on the influence of temperature upon hydrogen effects in structural alloys
Michler, T.; Schweizer, V.; Wackermann, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Review and assessment of the effect of hydrogen gas pressure on the embrittlement of steels in gaseous hydrogen environment
Michler, T.; Wackermann, K.; Schweizer, F.
Journal Article
2021 Correction: Michler et al. Review and Assessment of the Effect of Hydrogen Gas Pressure on the Embrittlement of Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen Environment. Metals 2021, 11, 637
Michler, T.; Wackermann, K.; Schweizer, F.
Journal Article
2021 Review on the influence of temperature upon hydrogen effects in structural alloys
Michler, T.; Schweizer, F.; Wackermann, K.
Journal Article
2021 Einfluss von Hochdruckwasserstoff auf die Zugversuchseigenschaften von ausgewählten Druckbehälter- und Pipelinestählen
Michler, Thorsten; Ebling, Fabien
Conference Paper
2021 Effect of hydrogen in mixed gases on the mechanical properties of steels - theoretical background and review of test results
Michler, Thorsten; Elsässer, Christian; Wackeremann, Ken; Schweizer, Frank
Journal Article
2021 Comparison of tensile test results in high pressure gaseous hydrogen using conventional and tubular specimems
Michler, Thorsten; Wackermann, Ken; Ebling, Fabien; Oesterlin, Heiner
Conference Paper
2021 Umweltverträgliche galvanische Abscheidung von Bronzeschichten als potentielle Nickelersatzschicht - UmBroNi
Mock, Christian; Preußner, J.
2021 Correction to: Application of hourglass control to Eulerian smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C.
Journal Article
2021 Application of hourglass control to Eulerian smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C.
Journal Article
2021 Graphite lubrication mechanisms under high mechanical load
Morstein, C.E.; Dienwiebel, M.
Journal Article
2021 Defects and phase Formation in non-stoichiometric LaFeO3: A combined theoretical and experimental study
Mutter, D.; Schierholz, R.; Urban, D.F.; Heuer, S.A.; Ohlerth, T.; Kungl, H.; Elsässer, C.; Eichel, R.-A.
Journal Article
2021 First-principles calculations of phase stability, electronic structure, and defect properties of perovskites for SOFC/SOEC electrodes
Mutter, D.; Urban, D.F.; Elsässer, C.
Conference Paper
2021 Fatigue lifetime prediction with a validated micromechanical short crack model for the ferritic steel EN 1.4003
Natkowski, E.; Durmaz, A.R.; Sonnweber-Ribic, P.; Münstermann, S.
Journal Article
2021 Experimentelle Charakterisierung und numerische Modellierung der Reibvorgänge in der Warmmassivumformung am Beispiel einer Aluminiumlegierung
Oberle, N.; Burmeister, F.; Wirth, M.; Zapara, M.; Kailer, A.
Journal Article
2021 Atomistic analysis of Li migration in Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3 (LATP) solid electrolytes
Pfalzgraf, D.; Mutter, D.; Urban, D.F.
Journal Article
2021 Stress-based approach for fatigue life calculation of multi-material connections hybrid joined by self-piercing rivets and adhesive
Presse, J.; Künkler, B.; Michler, T.
Journal Article
2021 Additive Fertigung mit Formgedächtnispolymeren
Pretsch, Thorsten; Chalissery, Dilip; Schönfeld, Dennis; Walter, Mario; Shkylar, Inga; Andrä, Heiko; Schwörer, Christoph; Amann, Tobias; Weisheit, Linda
2021 Shape Memory Polymers in Transition to Programmable Materials
Pretsch, Thorsten; Schönfeld, Dennis; Chalissery, Dilip; Walter, Mario; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Wenz, Franziska; Eberl, Chris
2021 Exploring possible links between Quaternary aggradation in the Upper Rhine Graben and the glaciation history of northern Switzerland
Preusser, F.; Büschelberger, M.; Kemna, H.A.; Miocic, J.; Mueller, D.; May, J.-H.
Journal Article
2021 Der Trick mit dem Knick - so hilft Künstliche Intelligenz beim Glasbiegen
Quast, M.; Rist, T.
Journal Article
2021 A probabilistic model for forging flaw crack nucleation processes
Radaelli, F.; Amann, C.; Aydin, A.; Varfolomeev, I.; Gumbsch, P.; Kadau, K.
Journal Article
2021 A mechanochromic donor-acceptor torsional spring
Raisch, M.; Maftuhin, W.; Walter, M.; Sommer, M.
Journal Article
2021 High diffusivity pathways govern massively enhanced oxidation during tribological sliding
Rau, J.S.; Balachandran, S.; Schneider, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Gault, B.; Greiner, C.
Journal Article
2021 Solid-Phase Silicon Homoepitaxy via Shear-Induced Amorphization and Recrystallization
Reichenbach, Thomas; Moras, Gianpietro; Pastewka, Lars; Moseler, Michael
Journal Article
2021 Charakterisierung der Reiboptimierung durch Gleitschleifen und Additiveinbringung
Reinle, F.; Linsler, D.; Brodmann, B.
Conference Paper
2021 An algorithm for statistical evaluation of weld toe geometries using laser triangulation
Renken, F.; von Bock und Polach, R.U.F.; Schubnell, J.; Jung, M.; Oswald, M.; Rother, K.; Ehlers, S.; Braun, M.
Journal Article
2021 A lifetime model for creep-fatigue interaction with applications to the creep resistant steel P92
Riedel, H.; Maier, G.; Oesterlin, H.
Journal Article
2021 Calibrating a fiber-matrix interface failure model to single fiber push-out tests and numerical simulations
Rohrmüller, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Hohe, J.
Journal Article
2021 Shear induced dynamic grain-refinement in sliding polycrystalline metal surfaces
Romero, Pedro; Brink, Angelika; Scherge, Matthias; Moseler, Michael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Entwicklung einer Prüfmethode für thermisch hoch belastete, abgasbeaufschlagte Gleitpaarungen
Rosenstingl, T.; Kürten, D.; Kailer, A.; Kunz, W.
Conference Paper
2021 Modellierung von Schweißnähten zum Nachweis der Ermüdungsfestigkeit mit dem örtlichen Konzept
Rudorffer, W.; Dittmann, F.; Wächter, M.; Varfolomeev, I.; Esderts, A.
Journal Article
2021 Normal load and counter body size influence the initiation of microstructural discontinuities in copper during sliding
Ruebeling, F.; Xu, Y.; Richter, G.; Dini, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Greiner, C.
Journal Article
2021 Additive manufacturing of high-strength eutectic aluminium-nickel alloys - processing and mechanical properties
Rödler, Georg; Fischer, Felix Gabriel; Preußner, J.; Friedmann, V.; Fischer, C.; Weisheit, Andreas; Schleifenbaum, J.H.
Journal Article
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