Publication Type
2018 Bioleaching zum Recycling von Sekundärrohstoffen
Auerbach, Romy; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Schnell, Sylvia; Ratering, Stefan; Werner, Arite; Haseneder, Roland; Vostal, Radek; Bertau, Martin; Gellermann, Carsten
Journal Article
2018 Recycling von Li-Ionen-Batterien: Elektrohydraulische Zerkleinerung
Bokelmann, Katrin; Horn, Daniel; Zimmermann, Jörg; Gellermann, Carsten; Stauber, Rudolf
Journal Article
2018 Anomalous electrodeposition of gold-indium alloys
Choi, B.-K.; Sauer, F.; Beck, G.; Stauber, R.; Dobrovolska, T.
Journal Article
2018 Comparative analysis about degradation mechanisms of printed circuit boards (PCBs) in slow and fast pyrolysis
Diaz, Fabian; Flerus, Benedikt; Nagraj, Samant; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Friedrich, Bernd
Journal Article
2018 Towards an Alloy Recycling of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets in a Circular Economy
Diehl, Oliver; Schönfeldt, Mario; Brouwer, Eva; Dirks, Almut; Rachut, K.; Gassmann, Jürgen; Güth, Konrad; Buckow, Alexander; Gauß, Roland; Stauber, Rudolf; Gutfleisch, Oliver
Journal Article
2018 Thermochemical modelling and experimental validation of in situ indium volatilization by released halides during pyrolysis of smartphone displays
Flerus, Benedikt; Swiontek, Thomas; Bokelmann, Katrin; Stauber, Rudolf; Friedrich, Bernd
Journal Article
2018 Ammonothermal Crystal Growth of Indium Nitride
Hertrampf, J.; Becker, P.; Widenmeyer, M.; Weidenkaff, A.; Schlücker, E.; Niewa, R.
Journal Article
2018 Author Correction: Structural transformation of layered double hydroxides: An in situ TEM analysis
Hobbs, C.; Jaskaniec, S.; McCarthy, E.K.; Downing, C.; Opelt, K.; Güth, Konrad; Shmeliov, A.; Mourad, M.C.D.; Mandel, K.; Nicolosi, V.
Journal Article
2018 Structural transformation of layered double hydroxides: An in situ TEM analysis
Hobbs, Christopher; Jaskaniec, Sonia; McCarthy, Eoin K.; Downing, Clive; Opelt, Konrad; Güth, Konrad; Shmeliov, Aleksey; Mourad, Maurice C.D.; Mandel, Karl; Nicolosi, Valeria
Journal Article
2018 Extraktion und Modifikation von verzweigten v-Glykanen aus Fruchtresten als Rohstoffquelle für biobasierte Beschichtungen
Hoffmann, J.; Hanstein, Stefan; Hubert, C.; Stauber, Rudolf
Journal Article
2018 The influence of trace elements (In, Sn) on the hardening process of Al-Cu alloys
Lotter, Frank; Petschke, Danny; Staab, Torsten E.M.; Rohrmann, Urban; Schubert, Thomas; Sextl, Gerhard; Kieback, Bernd
Journal Article
2018 Phosphor und Phosphatrecycling: Das lebenswichtige Element
Maurer, Alexander; Lohmeier, Reinhard; Fröhlich, Peter; Frank, Daniel; Gellermann, Carsten; Bertau, Martin
Journal Article
2018 Hemicellulosen aus Fruchtresten für Beschichtungen von Verpackungen. Beschichtung aus Lignocellulose
Reising, Anna; Hanstein, Stefan; Kazmierczak, Karolina; Titze-Frech, Karin
Journal Article
2018 Thermopower Enhancement from Engineering the Na0.7CoO2 Interacting Fermiology via Fe Doping
Richter, R.; Shopova, D.; Xie, W.; Weidenkaff, A.; Lechermann, F.
Journal Article
2018 Anisotropic local hardening in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets
Sawatzki, Simon; Schneider, Thorsten; Yi, Min; Bruder, Enrico; Ener, Semih; Schönfeldt, Mario; Güth, Konrad; Xu, Bai-Xiang; Gutfleisch, Oliver
Journal Article
2018 Recycling of rare earth permanent magnets for advanced electric drives - Overcoming the criticality and supply risk
Schönfeldt, Mario; Diehl, Oliver; Brouwer, Eva; Opelt, Konrad; Gassmann, Jürgen; Gutfleisch, Oliver
2018 Magnetocaloric materials for refrigeration near room temperature
Waske, Anja; Gruner, Markus E.; Gottschall, Tino; Gutfleisch, Oliver
Journal Article
2018 A squeeze on the perovskite structure improves the thermoelectric performance of Europium Calcium Titanates
Xiao, X.; Widenmeyer, M.; Müller, K.; Scavini, M.; Checchia, S.; Castellano, C.; Ma, D.; Yoon, S.; Xie, W.; Starke, U.; Zakharchuk, K.; Kovalevsky, A.; Weidenkaff, A.
Journal Article
2018 Ferromagnetism in nitrogen and fluorine substituted BaTiO3
Yoon, S.; Son, K.; Ebbinghaus, S.G.; Widenmeyer, M.; Weidenkaff, A.
Journal Article
2018 Photocatalytic CO2 reduction by Cr-substituted Ba2(In2-xCrx)O5·(H2O)d (0.04 < x < 0.60)
Yoon, S.; Gaul, M.; Sharma, S.; Son, K.; Hagemann, H.; Ziegenbalg, D.; Schwingenschlogl, U.; Widenmeyer, M.; Weidenkaff, A.
Journal Article
2018 A self-forming nanocomposite concept for ZnO-based thermoelectrics
Zakharchuk, K.V.; Widenmeyer, M.; Alikin, D.O.; Xie, W.; Populoh, S.; Mikhalev, S.M.; Tselev, A.; Frade, J.R.; Weidenkaff, A.; Kovalevsky, A.V.
Journal Article
2018 Enhancing point defect scattering in copper antimony selenides via Sm and S Co-doping
Zou, T.-H.; Xie, W.-J.; Widenmeyer, M.; Xiao, X.-X.; Qin, X.-Y.; Weidenkaff, A.
Journal Article
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