Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2020 | Chorioretinale Falten interessanter Genese Al-Nawaiseh, S.; Rickmann, A.; Stanzel, B.V.; Szurman, P.; Januschowski, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Real-time classification of hand movements as a basis for intuitive control of grasp neuroprostheses Amelin, D.; Potapov, I.; Audi, J.C.; Kogut, A.; Rupp, R.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Findings of the WMT 2020 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Basque, Italian and Russian as New Additional Languages Bawden, Rachel; Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Grozea, Cristian; Jauregi Unanue, Inigo; Jimeno Yepes, Antonio; Mah, Nancy Lynne; Martinez, David; Névéol, Aurélie; Neves, Mariana; Oronoz, Maite; Perez-de-Viñaspre, Olatz; Piccardi, Massimo; Roller, Roland; Siu, Amy; Thomas, Philippe; Vezzani, Federica; Vicente Navarro, Maika; Wiemann, Dina; Yeganova, Lana |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Voltage-sensing optical recording: A method of choice for high-throughput assessment of cardiotropic effects Bedut, S.; Kettenhofen, R.; D'Angelo, J.-M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Publisher Correction: The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatings Claaßen, Christiane; Dannecker, M.; Grübel, J.; Kotzampasi, M.-E.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Stanzel, B.V.; Borchers, K. |
Erratum |
2020 | The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatings Claßen, Christiane; Dannecker, Miriam; Grübel, Jana; Kotzampasi, Maria-Elli; Tovar, Günter E.M.; Stanzel, Boris Viktor; Borchers, Kirsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Hepato(Geno) Toxicity Assessment of Nanoparticles in a HepG2 Liver Spheroid Model Elje, Elisabeth; Mariussen, Espen; Moriones, Oscar H.; Bastus, Neus G.; Puntes, Victor; Kohl, Yvonne; Dusinska, Maria; Runden-Pran, Elise |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Portable low-cost 32-channel ultrasound research system Fournelle, M.; Grüm, T.; Speicher, D.; Weber, S.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Volumetric optoacoustic imaging using a T-shaped array - A simulation study Fournelle, M.; Bost, W. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | US/TOF-PET endorectal probe compatible with MR, for diagnosis and staging of the prostate cancer Garibaldi, F.; Bettinardi, V.; Brembilla, G.; Briganti, A.; Cisbani, E.; Clinthorne, N.; Cobelli, F. de; Taille, C. de la; Fournelle, M.; Gianolli, L.; Majewski, S.; Montorsi, F.; Nuyts, J.; Picchio, M.; Ziemons, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Repolarization studies using human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes: Validation studies and best practice recommendations Gintant, G.; Kaushik, E.P.; Feaster, T.; Stoelzle-Feix, S.; Kanda, Y.; Osada, T.; Smith, G.; Czysz, K.; Kettenhofen, R.; Lu, H.R.; Cai, B.; Shi, H.; Herron, T.J.; Dang, Q.; Burton, F.; Pang, L.; Traebert, M.; Abassi, Y.; Pierson, J.B.; Blinova, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Diffraction-based technology for the monitoring of contraction dynamics in 3D and 2D tissue models Harzic, Ronan le; Meiser, Ina; Neubauer, Julia C.; Riemann, Iris; Schiffer, Michael; Stracke, Frank; Zimmermann, Heiko |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of cyclodextrin hyaluronic acid conjugates as a new candidate for intestinal drug carrier for steroid hormones Hesler, Michelle; Schwarz, Dennis; Dähnhardt-Pfeiffer, Stephan; Wagner, Sylvia; Briesen, Hagen von; Wenz, Gerhard; Kohl, Yvonne |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Integrated 1024 channel ultrasound beamformer for ultrasound research Hewener, H.; Risser, C.; Barry-Hummel, S.; Fonfara, H.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | On-line anxiety level detection from biosignals: Machine learning based on a randomized controlled trial with spider-fearful individuals Ihmig, Frank; Gogeascoechea, Antonio; Neurohr-Parakenings, Frank; Schäfer, Sarah; Lass-Hennemann, Johanna; Michael, Tanja |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Roboterkomponenten für den kryogenen Arbeitsraum. Entwicklung von Festkörpergelenken und monolithischen Greifersystemen für eine Parallelroboterstruktur Jahn, Philipp; Ihmig, Frank; Olsommer, Yves; Biehl, Margit; Raatz, Annika |
Vortrag Presentation |
2020 | Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Interventions for Palliative Cancer Care: A Systematic and Mapping Review Karamanidou, C.; Natsiavas, P.; Koumakis, L.; Marias, K.; Schera, F.; Schäfer, M.; Payne, S.; Maramis, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Genotoxicity of nanomaterials: Advanced in vitro models and high throughput methods for human hazard assessment - a review Kohl, Yvonne; Rundén-Pran, Elise; Mariussen, Espen; Hesler, Michelle; El Yamani, Naouale; Longhin, Eleonora Marta; Dusinska, Maria |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Personally Managed Health Data: Barriers, Approaches, and a Roadmap for the Future Kondylakis, H.; Koumakis, L.; Tsiknakis, M.; Kiefer, S. |
Editorial |
2020 | Patient empowerment for cancer patients through a novel ICT infrastructure Kondylakis, H.; Bucur, A.; Crico, C.; Dong, F.; Graf, N.; Hoffman, S.; Koumakis, L.; Manenti, A.; Marias, K.; Mazzocco, K.; Pravettoni, G.; Renzi, C.; Schera, F.; Triberti, S.; Tsiknakis, M.; Kiefer, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (Pbpk) modeling providing insights into fentanyl pharmacokinetics in adults and pediatric patients Kovar, L.; Weber, A.; Zemlin, M.; Kohl, Y.; Bals, R.; Meibohm, B.; Selzer, D.; Lehr, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling of buprenorphine in adults, children and preterm neonates Kovar, Lukas; Schräpel, Christina; Selzer, Dominik; Kohl, Yvonne; Bals, Robert; Schwab, Matthias; Lehr, Thorsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Comprehensive Parent-Metabolite PBPK/PD Modeling Insights into Nicotine Replacement Therapy Strategies Kovar, Lukas; Selzer, Dominik; Britz, Hannah; Benowitz, Neal; Helen, Gideon S.; Kohl, Yvonne; Bals, Robert; Lehr, Thorsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | A novel human pluripotent stem cell-based assay to predict developmental toxicity Lauschke, Karin; Rosenmai, Anna Kjerstine; Meiser, Ina; Neubauer, Julia Christiane; Schmidt, Katharina; Rasmussen, Mikkel Aabech; Holst, Björn; Taxvig, Camilla; Emnéus, Jenny Katarina; Vinggaard, Anne Marie |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Towards Harmonized Biobanking for Biomonitoring: A Comparison of Human Biomonitoring-Related and Clinical Biorepositories Lermen, Dominik; Gwinner, Frederik; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Müller, Sabine C.; Habermann, Jens K.; Balwir, Matharoo-Ball; Smits, Elke; Virgolino, Ana; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Berglund, Marika; Akesson, Agneta; Bergstrom, Anna; Leander, Karin; Horvat, Milena; Tratnik, Janja Snoj; Paz, Manuel Posada de la; Castano Calvo, Argelia; Lopez, Marta Esteban; Briesen, Hagen von; Zimmermann, Heiko; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Enhancement of acoustic microscopy lateral resolution: A comparison between deep learning and two deconvolution methods Makra, A.; Bost, W.; Kallo, I.; Horvath, A.; Fournelle, M.; Gyöngy, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | FocAn: Automated 3D analysis of DNA repair foci in image stacks acquired by confocal fluorescence microscopy Memmel, S.; Sisario, D.; Zimmermann, H.; Sauer, M.; Sukhorukov, V.L.; Djuzenova, C.S.; Flentje, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Design of a sparse ellipsoidal array for volumetric ultrasound imaging of the prostate Nooijens, S.; Ramalli, A.; Ingram, M.; Fournelle, M.; Bertrand, A.; D'Hooge, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Consistent and efficient modeling of the nonlinear properties of ferroelectric materials in ceramic capacitors for frugal electronic implants Olsommer, Y.; Ihmig, F.R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Modeling the Nonlinear Properties of Ferroelectric Materials in Ceramic Capacitors for the Implementation of Sensor Functionalities in Implantable Electronics Olsommer, Yves; Ihmig, Frank; Müller, Carsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | High-throughput electrochemical sensing platform for screening nanomaterial-biomembrane interactions Owen, Joshua; Kuznecovs, Maksims; Bhamji, Raeesa; William, Nicola; Domenech-Garcia, Natalia; Hesler, Michelle; Knoll, Thorsten; Kohl, Yvonne; Nelson, Andrew; Kapur, Nikil |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | FTIR spectroscopy as a novel analytical approach for investigation of glucose transport and glucose transport inhibition studies in transwell in vitro barrier models Rothbauer, Mario; Eilenberger, Christoph; Spitz, Sarah; Bachmann, Barbara; Pajenda, Jasmin; Schwaighofer, Andreas; Höll, Gregor; Helmke, Palle Steen; Kohl, Yvonne; Lendl, Bernhard; Ertl, Peter |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Translational development and pre-clinical evaluation of prototype gastrointestinal mock-up devices: Only robotic placement of plastic? Schiemer, J.F.; Merchel, D.; Stumm, K.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Baumgart, J.; Kneist, W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Robotic Setup Promises Consistent Effects of Multilocular Gastrointestinal Electrical Stimulation: First Results of a Porcine Study Schiemer, J.F.; Stumm, K.; Somerlik-Fuchs, K.H.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Baumgart, J.; Kneist, W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Nanotopographical Coatings Induce an Early Phenotype-Specific Response of Primary Material-Resident M1 and M2 Macrophages Schmitz, Tobias; Jannasch, Maren; Weigel, Tobias; Moseke, Claus; Gbureck, Uwe; Groll, Jürgen; Walles, Heike; Hansmann, Jan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Alginate- and Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogels as Vitreous Substitutes: An In Vitro Evaluation Schulz, André; Rickmann, Annekatrin; Wahl, Silke; Germann, Anja; Stanzel, Boris Viktor; Januschowski, Kai; Szurman, Peter |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Alginate-encapsulated brain-derived neurotrophic factor-overexpressing mesenchymal stem cells are a promising drug delivery system for protection of auditory neurons Schwieger, Jana; Hamm, Anika; Gepp, Michael M.; Schulz, André; Hoffmann, Andrea; Lenarz, Thomas; Scheper, Verena |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Distributed automated manufacturing of pluripotent stem cell products Shariatzadeh, Maryam; Chandra, Amit; Wilson, Samantha; McCall, Mark; Morizur, Lise; Lesueur, Léa; Chose, Olivier; Gepp, Michael; Schulz, André; Neubauer, Julia C.; Zimmermann, Heiko; Abranches, Elsa; Man, Jennifer; O'Shea, Orla; Stacey, Glyn; Hewitt, Zoe; Williams, David |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Flagellin shifts 3D bronchospheres towards mucus hyperproduction Sprott, Richard F.; Ritzmann, Felix; Langer, Frank; Yao, Yiwen; Herr, Christian; Kohl, Yvonne; Tschernig, Thomas; Bals, Robert; Beisswenger, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | The EBiSC iPSC bank for disease studies Steeg, Rachel; Neubauer, Julia C.; Müller, Sabine; Ebneth, Andreas; Zimmermann, Heiko |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | A new system for fast ultrasound-tomography at marble sculptures Tiefensee, Frank; Degel, Christian; Weber, Peter-Karl; Bost, Wolfgang; Moses, Manfred; Schmieger, Marc |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Wireless retina implant with optical energy supply Velten, T.; Knoll, T.; Stracke, F.; Harzic, R. le; Jaeger, T.; Rammensee, M.; Kurz, O.; Klesy, S.; Januschowski, K.; Sermeus, L.; Szurman, P.; Olsommer, Y.; Hoffmann, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Innovative damage and material analysis in 3D by integrating different technologies Weber, Peter-Karl |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Die Umweltprobenbank des Bundes - Umwelt- und Humanproben Weber, T.; Koschorrek, J.; Rüther, M.; Körner, A.; Knopf, B.; Kotthoff, M.; Rüdel, H.; Lermen, D.; Bartel-Steinbach, M.; Göen, T.; Paulus, M.; Klein, R.; Veith, M.; Kolossa-Gehring, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Behandlungsvorrichtung und -verfahren zur extrakorporalen, Immuntoleranz-steigernden Blutbehandlung Zimmermann, Heiko; Neubauer, Julia; Fischer, Benjamin |
Patent |
2020 | Coupling multiple artificially learning units with a projection level Zimmermann, Heiko; Fuhr, Günter; Fuhr, Antonie |
Patent |
2020 | Recursive coupling of artificial learning units Zimmermann, Heiko; Fuhr, Günter; Fuhr, Antonie |
Patent |
2020 | Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik. Jahresbericht 2019 | Jahresbericht Annual Report |