Publication Type
2019 Investigating the accumulation and translocation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with different surface modifications in static and dynamic human placental transfer models
Aengenheister, Leonie; Dugershaw, Battuja Batbajar; Manser, Pius; Wichser, Adrian; Schoenenberger, Rene; Wick, Peter; Hesler, Michelle; Kohl, Yvonne; Straskraba, Susanne; Suter, Marc; Buerki-Thurnherr, Tina
Journal Article
2019 Towards a wearable low-cost ultrasound device for classification of muscle activity and muscle fatigue
Brausch, L.; Hewener, H.; Lukowicz, P.
Conference Paper
2019 Classifying muscle states with ultrasonic single element transducer data using machine learning strategies
Brausch, L.; Hewener, H.
Journal Article
2019 Compostions for the treatment or prevention of neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Parkinson's disease
Briesen, Hagen von; Wagner, Sylvia; Stab, Julia
2019 Application of a novel measurement setup for characterization of graphene microelectrodes and a comparative study of variables influencing charge injection limits of implantable microelectrodes
Cisnal, A.; Ihmig, F.R.; Fraile, J.-C.; Pérez-Turiel, J.; Muñoz-Martinez, V.
Journal Article
2019 Differential effects of the Akt inhibitor MK-2206 on migration and radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma cells
Djuzenova, C.S.; Fiedler, V.; Memmel, S.; Katzer, A.; Sisario, D.; Brosch, P.K.; Göhrung, A.; Frister, S.; Zimmermann, H.; Flentje, M.; Sukhorukov, V.L.
Journal Article
2019 A novel microfluidic mucus-chip for studying the permeation of compounds over the mucus barrier
Elberskirch, Linda; Knoll, Thorsten; Moosmann, Aline; Wilhelm, Nadine; Briesen, Hagen von; Wagner, Sylvia
Journal Article
2019 The comet assay applied to HepG2 liver spheroids
Elje, Elisabeth; Hesler, Michelle; Rundén-Pran, Elise; Mann, Pascal; Mariussen, Espen; Wagner, Sylvia; Dusinska, Maria; Kohl, Yvonne
Journal Article
2019 Wave front analysis for enhanced time-domain beamforming of point-like targets in optoacoustic imaging using a linear array
Fournelle, Marc; Bost, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2019 Peptide Assembly on the Membrane Determines the HIV-1 Inhibitory Activity of Dual-Targeting Fusion Inhibitor Peptides
Gomara, Maria J.; Perez, Yolanda; Martinez, Javier P.; Barnadas-Rodriguez, Ramon; Schultz, Anke; Briesen, Hagen von; Peralvarez-Marin, Alex; Meyerhans, Andreas; Haro, Isabel
Journal Article
2019 Monitoring System for Laboratory Mice Transportation
González-Sánchez, C.; Fraile, J.-C.; Pérez-Turiel, J.; Damm, E.; Schneider, J.G.; Schmitt, D.; Ihmig, F.R.
Journal Article
2019 Impact of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) on soil microbial community depending on functionalization, concentration, exposure time, and soil texture
Grün, Anna-Lena; Manz, Werner; Kohl, Yvonne Lydia; Meier, Florian; Straskraba, Susanne; Jost, Carsten; Drexel, Roland; Emmerling, Christoph
Journal Article
2019 Cardiomyocytes facing fibrotic conditions re-express extracellular matrix transcripts
Heras-Bautista, C.O.; Mikhael, N.; Lam, J.; Shinde, V.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Dieluweit, S.; Molcanyi, M.; Uvarov, V.; Jütten, P.; Sahito, R.G.A.; Mederos-Henry, F.; Piechot, A.; Brockmeier, K.; Hescheler, J.; Sachinidis, A.; Pfannkuche, K.
Journal Article
2019 Non-pooled Human Platelet Lysate: A Potential Serum Alternative for In Vitro Cell Culture
Hesler, Michelle; Kohl, Yvonne; Wagner, Sylvia; Briesen, Hagen von
Journal Article
2019 Multi-endpoint toxicological assessment of polystyrene nano- and microparticles in different biological models in vitro
Hesler, Michelle; Aengenheister, Leonie; Ellinger, Bernhard; Drexel, Roland; Straskraba, Susanne; Jost, Carsten; Wagner, Sylvia; Meier, Florian; Briesen, Hagen von; Büchel, Claudia; Wick, Peter; Buerki-Thurnherr, Tina; Kohl, Yvonne
Journal Article
2019 Low-cost volumetric imaging with large footprint 11x11-element matrix array probe on a 128 channel ultrasound research scanner
Hewener, H.; Bost, W.; Speicher, D.; Ehrhardt, M.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S.
Journal Article
2019 A mobile ultrasound system for majority detection
Hewener, H.; Risser, C.; Brausch, L.; Rohrer, T.; Tretbar, S.
Conference Paper
2019 Coating stability and insertion forces of an alginate-cell-based drug delivery implant system for the inner ear
Hügl, S.; Scheper, V.; Gepp, M.M.; Lenarz, T.; Rau, T.S.; Schwieger, J.
Journal Article
2019 Survival and functionality of xeno-free human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells on polyester substrate after transplantation in rabbits
Ilmarinen, T.; Thieltges, F.; Hongisto, H.; Juuti-Uusitalo, K.; Koistinen, A.; Kaarniranta, K.; Brinken, R.; Braun, N.; Holz, F.G.; Skottman, H.; Stanzel, B.V.
Journal Article
2019 A pathway for attesting ethical provenance of cell lines: Lessons from the European human pluripotent stem cell registry (hPSCreg)
Isasi, R.; Namorado, J.; Mah, N.; Bultjer, N.; Kurtz, A.
Journal Article
2019 Nanoparticles under the spotlight. Intracellular fate and toxic effects on cells of aquatic organisms as revealed by microscopy
Jimeno-Romero, A.; Kohl, Y.; Marigómez, I.; Soto, M.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Zooming in on cryopreservation of hiPSCs and neural derivatives: A dual-center study using adherent vitrification
Kaindl, Johanna; Meiser, Ina; Majer, Julia; Sommer, Annika; Krach, Florian; Katsen-Globa, Alisa; Winkler, Jürgen; Zimmermann, Heiko; Neubauer, Julia C.; Winner, Beate
Journal Article
2019 The Differential Anti-HIV Effect of a New Humic Substance-Derived Preparation in Diverse Cells of the Immune System
Kornilaeva, G.V.; Siniavin, A.E.; Schultz, Anke; Germann, Anja; Moog, C.; Briesen, Hagen von; Turgiev, A.S.; Karamov, E.V.
Journal Article
2019 On the assessment of the stability of vitrified cryo-media by differential scanning calorimetry
Kreiner, Asger; Stracke, Frank; Zimmermann, Heiko
Journal Article
2019 Trends in characteristics of 24-h urine samples and their relevance for human biomonitoring studies
Lermen, Dominik; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Gwinner, Frederik; Conrad, André; Weber, Till; Briesen, Hagen von; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
Journal Article
2019 Using Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes to Foster Palliative Cancer Care: The MyPal Approach
Maramis, C.; Karamanidou, C.; Schera, F.; Kiefer, S.; Koumakis, L.; Marias, K.; Hoffmann, S.; Parker, H.; Reston, J.; Payne, S.; Pospisilova, S.; Rosenquist, R.; Ghia, P.; Pontikoglou, C.; Sander, A.; Doubek, M.; Graf, N.; Ling, J.; Downing, J.; Pavi, E.; Koutkias, V.
Conference Paper
2019 Manufacturing of bio-compatible & degradable devices using inkjet technology for transient electronics
Mitra, K.Y.; Willert, A.; Sossalla, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Zichner, R.
Conference Paper
2019 A thin-film multichannel electrode for muscle recording and stimulation in neuroprosthetics applications
Muceli, S.; Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Dosen, S.; Benito-Leon, J.; Barroso, F.O.; Pons, J.L.; Farina, D.
Journal Article
2019 Decoding motor neuron activity from epimysial thin-film electrode recordings following targeted muscle reinnervation
Muceli, S.; Bergmeister, K.D.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Aman, M.; Vukajlija, I.; Aszmann, O.C.; Farina, D.
Journal Article
2019 Verfahren zum Stimulieren einer Gewebestruktur mittels einer elektrischen Feldstärke, System zum Stimulieren einer Gewebestruktur und Magnetstruktur zum Implantieren an eine Gewebestruktur
Müller, Carsten
2019 Quantitative analysis of F-actin alterations in adherent human mesenchymal stem cells: Influence of slow-freezing and vitrification-based cryopreservation
Müllers, Y.; Meiser, I.; Stracke, F.; Riemann, I.; Lautenschläger, F.; Neubauer, J.C.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2019 Generation of prevascularised pseudo-islets as a new strategy to enhance the revascularisation of pseudo-islets
Nalbach, L.; Ampofo, E.; Becker, V.; Roma, L.P.; Metzger, W.; Schmitt, B.M.; Später, T.; Wilhelm, N.; Menger, M.D.; Laschke, M.W.
Journal Article
2019 Safety analysis and results of a borosilicate glass cartridge for no-touch graft loading and injection in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty
Rickmann, A.; Wahl, S.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Szurman, P.
Journal Article
2019 Stem Cell Based Drug Delivery for Protection of Auditory Neurons in a Guinea Pig Model of Cochlear Implantation
Scheper, Verena; Hoffmann, Andrea; Gepp, Michael M.; Schulz, André; Hamm, Anika; Pannier, Christoph; Hubka, Peter; Lenarz, Thomas; Schwieger, Jana
Journal Article
2019 Five-fold Gastrointestinal Electrical Stimulation With Electromyography-based Activity Analysis
Schiemer, J.F.; Heimann, A.; Somerlik-Fuchs, K.H.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Baumgart, J.; Berres, M.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W.
Journal Article
2019 Anzeigevorrichtungen und Pixel für eine Anzeigevorrichtung
Schmitt, Daniel; Tretbar, Steffen
2019 Tyramine-conjugated alginate hydrogels as a platform for bioactive scaffolds
Schulz, André; Gepp, Michael; Stracke, Frank; Briesen, Hagen von; Neubauer, Julia C.; Zimmermann, Heiko
Journal Article
2019 Age-related loss of human vitreal viscoelasticity
Schulz, André; Wahl, Silke; Rickmann, Annekatrin; Ludwig, Jannine; Stanzel, Boris V.; Briesen, Hagen von; Szurman, Peter
Journal Article
2019 Surgical Approaches for Cell Therapeutics Delivery to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Retina
Stanzel, B.; Ader, M.; Liu, Z.; Amaral, J.; Aguirre, L.I.R.; Rickmann, A.; Barathi, V.A.; Tan, G.S.W.; Degreif, A.; Al-Nawaiseh, S.; Szurman, P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 A lineage CLOUD for neoblasts. Review
Tran, Anh Thao; Gentile, Luca
Journal Article
2019 Assessment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Ecotoxicity on Regeneration and Homeostasis in the Replacement Model System Schmidtea mediterranea
Tran, Thao A.; Hesler, Michelle; Moriones, Oscar H.; Jimeno-Romero, Alba; Fischer, Benjamin; Bastús, Neus G.; Puntes, Victor; Wagner, Sylvia; Kohl, Yvonne L.; Gentile, Luca
Journal Article
2019 Mikrogefertigter Wandler für die Implantat-zu-Implantat-Kommunikation per Ultraschall
Velten, T.; Knoll, T.; Sossalla, A.; Oevermann, J.; Weber, P.; Tiefensee, F.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2019 Wireless retina implant with large visual field
Velten, T.; Knoll, T.; Stracke, F.; Harzic, R. le; Olsommer, Y.; Jaeger, T.; Rammensee, M.; Kurz, O.; Klesy, S.; Januschowski, K.; Sermeus, L.; Szurman, P.
Journal Article
2019 Mikroloch-Chips mit Porenmembranen aus Polyimid
Velten, T.; Knoll, T.; Emge, D.
Conference Paper
2019 Vibrational spectroscopic imaging and live cell video microscopy for studying differentiation of primary human alveolar epithelial cells
Vukosavljevic, B.; Hittinger, M.; Hachmeister, H.; Pilger, C.; Murgia, X.; Gepp, M.M.; Gentile, L.; Huwer, H.; Schneider-Daum, N.; Huser, T.; Lehr, C.-M.; Windbergs, M.
Journal Article
2019 Emission measurement system for testing a combustion engine including exhaust gas exposure of biological cells
Zimmermann, Heiko; Briesen, Hagen von; Wilhelm, Nadine; Wagner, Sylvia; Kohl, Yvonne Lydia
2019 Restoring tactile sensations via neural interfaces for real-time force-and-slippage closed-loop control of bionic hands
Zollo, L.; Di Pino, G.; Ciancio, A.L.; Ranieri, F.; Cordella, F.; Gentile, C.; Noce, E.; Romeo, R.A.; Bellingegni, A.D.; Vadala, G.; Miccinilli, S.; Mioli, A.; Diaz-Balzani, L.; Bravi, M.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Schneider, A.; Denaro, L.; Davalli, A.; Gruppioni, E.; Sacchetti, R.; Castellano, S.; Di Lazzaro, V.; Sterzi, S.; Denaro, V.; Guglielmelli, E.
Journal Article
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