Publication Type
2017 Effect of low intensity ultrasound on membrane properties and epileptiform activity in an acute model of epilepsy
Becker, J.; Rohde, M.; Kirschstein, T.; Tretbar, S.; Stephani, U.; Köhling, R.
Journal Article
2017 Reflector-based 3D tomographic ultrasound reconstruction: Simulation study
Chintada, B.R.; Sanabria, S.J.; Bost, W.; Goksel, O.
Conference Paper
2017 Reflector-based 3D tomographic ultrasound reconstruction: Simulation study
Chintada, B.R.; Sanabria, S.J.; Bost, W.; Goksel, O.
Meeting Abstract
2017 Transcellular Transport of HDL Bearing Gold Nanoparticles Across the Blood Brain Barrier
Chuang, S.T.; Cruz, S.; Stab, J.; Wagner, S.; Briesen, H. von; Narayanaswami, V.
Journal Article
2017 Current achievements and future directions of hand prostheses controlled via peripheral nervous system
Ciancio, A.L.; Cordella, F.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Schneider, A.; Guglielmelli, E.; Zollo, L.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Adaptive workflows for diabetes management: Self-management assistant and remote treatment for diabetes
Contreras, I.; Kiefer, S.; Vehi, J.
Conference Paper
2017 Anti-nociceptive action of peripheral mu-opioid receptors by G-beta-gamma protein-mediated inhibition of TRPM3 channels
Dembla, S.; Behrendt, M.; Mohr, F.; Goecke, C.; Sondermann, J.; Schneider, F.M.; Schmidt, M.; Stab, J.; Enzeroth, R.; Leitner, M.G.; Nunez-Badinez, P.; Schwenk, J.; Nürnberg, B.; Cohen, A.; Philipp, S.E.; Greffrath, W.; Bünemann, M.; Oliver, D.; Zakharian, E.; Schmidt, M.; Oberwinkler, J.
Journal Article
2017 Comparison of different short-range sonar systems on real structures and objects
Ehrhardt, M.; Degel, C.; Becker, F.J.; Peter, L.; Hewener, H.; Fonfara, H.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten biologischen Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten biologischen Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten biologischen Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten biologischen Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten biologischen Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Probenbehälter für eine kryokonservierte biologische Probe, Verfahren zur Herstellung des Probenbehälters, Verfahren zur Temperaturüberwachung einer kryokonservierten Probe
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2017 Zehn Reisen ins Eis
Fuhr, Günter R.
2017 Labbag® - a versatile bag-based cultivation system for expansion, differentiation and cryopreservation of human stem cells
Gepp, M.; Duckstein, Rowena; Kayatz, Fabian; Rodler, Norbert; Scheuerer, Zuzana; Neubauer, Julia C.; Lachmann, Kristina; Stramm, Cornelia; Liebmann, Andrea; Thomas, Michael; Zimmermann, Heiko
Journal Article
2017 Bioactive surfaces from seaweed-derived alginates for the cultivation of human stem cells
Gepp, M.M.; Fischer, B.; Schulz, A.; Dobringer, J.; Gentile, L.; Vasquez, J.A.; Neubauer, J.C.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2017 Dissimilar trend of nonlinearity in ultrasound transducers and systems at resonance and non-resonance frequencies
Ghasemi, N.; Zare, F.; Davari, P.; Vilathgamuwa, M.; Ghosh, A.; Langton, C.; Weber, P.
Journal Article
2017 LightProbe: A fully-digital 64-channel ultrasound probe with high-bandwidth optical interface
Hager, P.A.; Speicher, D.; Degel, C.; Benini, L.
Conference Paper
2017 LightProbe: A 64-channel programmable ultrasound transducer head with an integrated front-end and a 26.4 Gb/s optical link
Hager, P.A.; Risser, C.; Weber, P.K.; Benini, L.
Conference Paper
2017 UltraLight: An ultrafast imaging platform based on a digital 64-channel ultrasound probe
Hager, Pascal Alexander; Speicher, Daniel; Degel, Christian; Benini, Luca
Conference Paper
2017 Ultrasonography-based motion tracking for MRgFUS
Jenne, J.W.; Tretbar, S.; Hewener, H.; Speicher, D.; Bartscherer, T.; Sarti, C.; Bongers, A.; Schwaab, J.; Günther, M.
Conference Paper
2017 Transcutaneous sacral nerve stimulation for intraoperative verification of internal anal sphincter innervation
Kauff, D.W.; Moszkowski, T.; Wegner, C.; Heimann, A.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Krüger, T.B.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W.
Journal Article
2017 Zweifarben-Druckanlage für die Sensorherstellung
Knoll, T.; Jenke, G.; Brenner, A.; Schuck, H.; Schultz, A.; Warmers, R.; Zumbülte, A.; Turner, M.; Seunarine, K.; Gibbs, D.; Wiest, J.; Urban, A.; Velten, T.
Journal Article
2017 Selection of nanobodies with broad neutralizing potential against primary HIV-1 strains using soluble subtype C gp140 envelope trimers
Koch, Kathrin; Kalusche, Sarah; Torres, Jonathan; Stanfield, Robyn; Danquah, Welbeck; Khazanehdari, Kamal; Briesen, Hagen von; Geertsma, Eric; Wilson, Ian; Wernery, Ulrich; Koch-Nolte, Friedrich; Ward, Andrew; Dietrich, Ursula
Journal Article
2017 IManageCancer: Developing a platform for empowering patients and strengthening self-management in cancer diseases
Kondylakis, H.; Bucur, A.; Dong, F.; Renzi, C.; Manfrinati, A.; Graf, N.; Hoffman, S.; Koumakis, L.; Pravettoni, G.; Marias, K.; Tsiknakis, M.; Kiefer, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Cryo-hanging drops: Towards ready-to-use frozen biological samples for screening purposes in 96 well plate format
Meiser, I.; Schmidt, K.; Neubauer, J.C.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2017 Migration pattern, actin cytoskeleton organization and response to PI3K-, mTOR-, and Hsp90-inhibition of glioblastoma cells with different invasive capacities
Memmel, S.; Sisario, D.; Zöller, C.; Fiedler, V.; Katzer, A.; Heiden, R.; Becker, N.; Eing, L.; Ferreira, F.L.R.; Zimmermann, H.; Sauer, M.; Flentje, M.; Sukhorukov, V.L.; Djuzenova, C.S.
Journal Article
2017 Sterile Plate-Based Vitrification of Adherent Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Derivatives Using the TWIST Method
Neubauer, J.C.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Towards standardized automated immunomonitoring: An automated ELISpot assay for safe and parallelized functionality analysis of immune cells
Neubauer, J.C.; Sebastien, I.; Germann, A.; Müller, S.C.; Meyerhans, A.; Briesen, H. von; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2017 Hybrid Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Tomograph for Real-Time Finger Imaging
Oeri, M.; Bost, W.; Senegond, N.; Tretbar, S.; Fournelle, M.
Journal Article
2017 Generic wound signals initiate regeneration in missing-tissue contexts
Owlarn, S.; Klenner, F.; Schmidt, D.; Rabert, F.; Tomasso, A.; Reuter, H.; Mulaw, M.A.; Moritz, S.; Gentile, L.; Weidinger, G.; Bartscherer, K.
Journal Article
2017 Low-energy electron beam sterilization for medical technical applications
Portillo, J.; Gotzmann, G.; Schönfelder, J.; Rögner, F.-H.; Wronski, S.; Müller, M.; Kohl, Y; Gorjup, E.
Conference Paper
2017 A Novel Quantitative 500-MHz Acoustic Microscopy System for Ophthalmologic Tissues
Rohrbach, D.; Jakob, A.; Lloyd, H.O.; Tretbar, S.H.; Silverman, R.H.; Mamou, J.
Journal Article
2017 Community-Associated Staphylococcus aureus from Sub-Saharan Africa and Germany: A Cross-Sectional Geographic Correlation Study
Ruffing, U.; Alabi, A.; Kazimoto, T.; Vubil, D.C.; Akulenko, R.; Abdulla, S.; Alonso, P.; Bischoff, M.; Germann, A.; Grobusch, M.P.; Helms, V.; Hoffmann, J.; Kern, W.V.; Kremsner, P.G.; Mandomando, I.; Mellmann, A.; Peters, G.; Schaumburg, F.; Schubert, S.; Strauss, L.; Tanner, M.; Briesen, H. von; Wende, L.; Müller, L. von; Herrmann, M.
Journal Article
2017 Neural stem cells influenced by ultrasound: Frequency and energy density dependencies
Schuster, A.; Rabe, H.; Schwab, T.; Bischof, M.; Degel, C.; Klotz, M.; Schäfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2017 Rapid establishment of the European Bank for induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC) - the Hot Start experience
Sousa, P.A. de; Steeg, R.; Wachter, E.; Bruce, K.; King, J.; Hoeve, M.; Khadun, S.; McConnachie, G.; Holder, J.; Kurtz, A.; Seltmann, S.; Dewender, J.; Reimann, S.; Stacey, G.; O'Shea, O.; Chapman, C.; Healy, L.; Zimmermann, H.; Bolton, B.; Rawat, T.; Atkin, I.; Veiga, A.; Kuebler, B.; Serano, B.M.; Saric, T.; Hescheler, J.; Brüstle, O.; Peitz, M.; Thiele, C.; Geijsen, N.; Holst, B.; Clausen, C.; Lako, M.; Armstrong, L.; Gupta, S.K.; Kvist, A.J.; Hicks, R.; Jonebring, A.; Brolen, G.; Ebneth, A.; Cabrera-Socorro, A.; Foerch, P.; Geraerts, M.; Stummann, T.C.; Harmon, S.; George, C.; Streeter, I.; Clarke, L.; Parkinson, H.; Harrison, P.W.; Faulconbridge, A.; Cherubin, L.; Burdett, T.; Trigueros, C.; Patel, M.J.; Lucas, C.; Hardy, B.; Predan, R.; Dokler, J.; Brajnik, M.; Keminer, O.; Pless, O.; Gribbon, P.; Claussen, C.; Ringwald, A.; Kreisel, B.; Courtney, A.; Allsopp, T.E.
Journal Article
2017 Nanoparticles for neurodegenerative disorders. Enabling transport of a potential anti-Alzheimer's disease drug across an advanced in vitro blood-brain barrier model
Stab, J.
Doctoral Thesis
2017 Preservation and stability of cell therapy products: Recommendations from an expert workshop
Stacey, G.N.; Connon, C.J.; Coopman, K.; Dickson, A.J.; Fuller, B.; Hunt, C.J.; Kemp, P.; Kerby, J.; Man, J.; Matejtschuk, P.; Moore, H.; Morris, J.; Oreffo, R.O.C.; Slater, N.; Ward, S.; Wiggins, C.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2017 Ultrasonic phased array technology for the non-destructive testing of marble sculptures
Tiefensee, F.; Weber, P.; Kunz, S.; Pamplona, M.; Simon, S.
Journal Article
2017 Different encapsulation strategies for implanted electronics
Winkler, Sebastian; Edelmann, Jan; Ruff, Roman; Welsch, Christine
Journal Article
2017 Performance characterization of a novel electronic number connection test to detect minimal hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients
Wuensch, T.; Ferenc Ruether, D.; Zöllner, C.; Mueller, T.; Jung, T.; Kaffarnik, M.; Kassner, U.; Schott, E.; Kiefer, S.; Pratschke, J.; Stockmann, M.; Jara, M.
Journal Article
2017 Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik. Jahresbericht 2016
Annual Report
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