Publication Type
2016 On-chip nanostructuring and impedance trimming of transparent and flexible ITO electrodes by laser induced coherent sub-20 nm cuts
Afshar, M.; Leber, M.; Poppendieck, W.; Konig, K.; Seidel, H.; Feili, D.
Journal Article
2016 Toward optimal cryopreservation and storage for achievement of high cell recovery and maintenance of cell viability and T cell functionality
Angel, S.; Briesen, H. von; Oh, Y.-J.; Baller, M.K.; Zimmermann, H.; Germann, A.
Journal Article
2016 Adaptive responses of cell hydration to a low temperature arrest
Christmann, J.; Azer, L.; Dörr, D.; Fuhr, G.R.; Bastiaens, P.I.H.; Wehner, F.
Journal Article
2016 Dual PI3K- and mTOR-inhibitor PI-103 can either enhance or reduce the radiosensitizing effect of the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in tumor cells: The role of drug-irradiation schedule
Djuzenova, C.S.; Fiedler, V.; Katzer, A.; Michel, K.; Deckert, S.; Zimmermann, H.; Sukhorukov, V.L.; Flentje, M.
Journal Article
2016 Evaluation of a high-resolution real-time capable 3D sonar camera for deep sea operation
Ehrhardt, M.; Becker, F.J.; Speicher, D.; Fonfara, H.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Degel, C.; Tretbar, S.
Conference Paper
2016 Monomolecular pyrenol-derivatives as multi-emissive probes for orthogonal reactivities
Finkler, B.; Riemann, I.; Vester, M.; Grüter, A.; Stracke, F.; Jung, G.
Journal Article
2016 3D printing of hydrogels in a temperature controlled environment with high spatial resolution
Fischer, B.; Schulz, A.; Gepp, M.M.; Neubauer, J.; Gentile, L.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2016 Towards a novel ultra-high viscosity alginate scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering
Fischer, B.; Gepp, M.; Schulz, A.; Dobringer, J.; Vásquez, J.; Gentile, L.; Zimmermann, H.
2016 Temperierkörper für eine Multiwell-Platte und Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Einfrieren und/oder Auftauen von biologischen Proben
Fuhr, Günter; Zimmermann, Heiko
2016 Bioactive surfaces for the cultivation of human stem cells on seaweed-derived alginates
Gepp, M.; Schulz, A.; Dobringer, J.; Vásquez, J.; Gentile, L; Neubauer, J.C.; Zimmermann, H.
2016 Capacitive sensing for non-invasive breathing and heart monitoring in non-restrained, non-sedated laboratory mice
González-Sánchez, C.; Fraile-Marinero, J.C.; Pérez-Turiel, J.; Damm, E.; Schneider, J.G.; Zimmermann, H.; Schmitt, D.; Ihmig, F.R.
Journal Article
2016 Cryopreservation of human mucosal leukocytes
Hughes, S.M.; Shu, Z.; Levy, C.N.; Ferre, A.L.; Hartig, H.; Fang, C.; Lentz, G.; Fialkow, M.; Kirby, A.C.; Adams Waldorf, K.M.; Veazey, R.S.; Germann, A.; Briesen, H. von; McElrath, M.J.; Dezzutti, C.S.; Sinclair, E.; Baker, C.A.; Shacklett, B.L.; Gao, D.; Hladik, F.
Journal Article
2016 Study of SEM preparation artefacts with correlative microscopy: Cell shrinkage of adherent cells by HMDS-drying
Katsen-Globa, Alisa; Puetz, Norbert; Gepp, Michael M.; Neubauer, Julia C.; Zimmermann, Heiko
Journal Article
2016 Surface electromyography reliably records electrophysiologically evoked internal anal sphincter activity
Kauff, D.W.; Wachter, N.; Heimann, A.; Krüger, T.B.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W.
Journal Article
2016 iManageCancer - Gesundheitsapps für Krebspatienten
Kiefer, S.
Journal Article
2016 Nanomaterialien in Umweltproben
Kohl, Yvonne
Journal Article
2016 Big Data in Support of the Digital Cancer Patient
Kondylakis, H.; Koumakis, L.; Tsiknakis, M.; Marias, K.; Kiefer, S.
Journal Article
2016 Designing smart analytical data services for a personal health framework
Koumakis, L.; Kondylakis, H.; Chatzimina, M.; Iatraki, G.; Argyropaidas, P.; Kazantzaki, E.; Tsiknakis, M.; Kiefer, S.; Marias, K.
Conference Paper
2016 Chemical imaging in cryobiology using confocal raman microscopy
Kreiner, A.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H.
2016 2016 ISBER Annual Meeting and Exhibits in Berlin - "breaking Down Walls: Unifying Biobanking Communities to Secure Our Sustainability"
Lermen, D.; Glück, L.; Schirmacher, P.
Journal Article
2016 And Walls Shall Break: The ISBER 2016 Annual Meeting and Exhibits
Lermen, D.; Glück, L.; Schirmacher, P.
Journal Article
2016 Reversible cryo-arrest for imaging molecules in living cells at high spatial resolution
Masip, M.E.; Huebinger, J.; Christmann, J.; Sabet, O.; Wehner, F.; Konitsiotis, A.; Fuhr, G.R.; Bastiaens, P.I.H.
Journal Article
2016 DropTech® - a hanging drop based automated stem cell technology platform for production and testing
Meiser, I.; Stracke, F.; Gentile, L.; Neubauer, J.C.; Gorjup, E.; Koutsouraki, E.; Gardner, J.; Sousa, P. de; Keminer, O.; Claussen, C.; Gribbon, P.; Pless, O.; Zimmermann, H.
2016 Micro-RNA-based diagnosis of tuberculosis
Meyerhans, Andreas; Latorre, Irene; Meese, Eckart; Keller, Andreas; Leidinger, Petra
2016 Long-term decoding of movement force and direction with a wireless myoelectric implant
Morel, P.; Ferrea, E.; Taghizadeh-Sarshouri, B.; Cardona Audi, J.M.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Lewis, S.; Russold, M.; Dietl, H.; Abu-Saleh, L.; Schroeder, D.; Krautschneider, W.; Meiners, T.; Gail, A.
Journal Article
2016 Regelschaltung für eine Basisstation zum Übertragen von Energie auf einen Empfänger mittels eines elektrischen Schwingkreises, Auswerteeinrichtung, Verfahren und Computerprogramm
Müller, Carsten; Koch, Timo
2016 Induktives Element zum Induzieren einer Spannung in einem elektrisch leitenden Bauteil und Verfahren für ein induktives Element
Müller, Carsten; Cardona Audi, Josep Marcel
2016 Improved cryopreservation and handling procedures for pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives
Neubauer, J.C.
2016 Quantitative bioimaging of platinum group elements in tumor spheroids
Niehoff, A.-C.; Grünebaum, J.; Moosmann, A.; Mulac, D.; Söbbing, J.; Niehaus, R.; Buchholz, R.; Kröger, S.; Wiehe, A.; Wagner, S.; Sperling, M.; Briesen, H. von; Langer, K.; Karst, U.
Journal Article
2016 A SIC design of an implantable system for improved control of hand prosthesis
Nikas, Antonios; Klein, Leonhard; Hauer, Johann; Holzberger, Alfred; Voelker, Matthias; Hoppe, Christoph; Ruff, Roman; Hoffmann, Klaus-Peter
Conference Paper
2016 Calibrated Linear Array-Driven Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Tomography
Oeri, M.; Bost, W.; Tretbar, S.; Fournelle, M.
Journal Article
2016 Massage and Performance Recovery: A Meta-Analytical Review
Poppendieck, W.; Wegmann, M.; Ferrauti, A.; Kellmann, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Meyer, T.
Journal Article
2016 High channel count ultrasound beamformer system with external multiplexer support for ultrafast 3D/4D ultrasound
Risser, C.; Welsch, H.J.; Fonfara, H.; Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S.
Conference Paper
2016 Detection of broadly neutralizing activity within the first months of HIV-1 infection
Sanchez-Merino, V.; Fabra-Garcia, A.; Gonzalez, N.; Nicolas, D.; Merino-Mansilla, A.; Manzardo, C.; Ambrosioni, J.; Schultz, A.; Meyerhans, A.; Mascola, JR.; Gatell, JM.; Alcami, J.; Miro, JM.; Yuste, E.
Journal Article
2016 Mobile units supporting multicentric studies and standardized collection of human specimen samples
Schmitt, D.; Lermen, D.; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Briesen, H. von; Zimmermann, H.
2016 From seaweeds to smart biomaterials
Schulz, A.; Gentile, L.; Zimmermann, H.; Dobringer, J.; Vasquez, J.A.
2016 Flurbiprofen-loaded nanoparticles can cross a primary porcine in vitro blood-brain barrier model to reduce amyloid-ß42 burden
Stab, Julia; Zlatev, Iavor; Raudszus, Bastian; Meister, Sabrina; Pietrzik, Claus; Briesen, Hagen von; Wagner, Sylvia
Journal Article
2016 Precaution for volume conduction in rodent cortical electroencephalography using high-density polyimide-based microelectrode arrays on the skull
Stienen, P.J.; Venzi, M.; Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Alberg, E.
Journal Article
2016 Laser scanning microscopy and micro-spectroscopy for cryobiology and cryopreservation
Stracke, F.; Kreiner, A.; Zimmermann, H.
2016 Detecting Staphylococcus aureus virulence and resistance genes: A comparison of whole-genome sequencing and DNA microarray technology
Strauß, L.; Ruffing, U.; Abdulla, S.; Alabi, A.; Akulenko, R.; Garrine, M.; Germann, A.; Grobusch, M.P.; Helms, V.; Herrmann, M.; Kazimoto, T.; Kern, W.; Mandomando, I.; Peters, G.; Schaumburg, F.; Müller, L. von; Mellmann, A.
Journal Article
2016 HSA-basierende Nanopartikel zum virusfreien Gentransfer in der Gen- und Zelltherapie
Wilhelm, N.
Doctoral Thesis
2016 Comparability: Manufacturing, characterization and controls, report of a UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Pluripotent Stem Cell Platform Workshop, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 14-15 September 2015
Williams, D.J.; Archer, R.; Archibald, P.; Bantounas, I.; Baptista, R.; Barker, R.; Barry, J.; Bietrix, F.; Blair, N.; Braybrook, J.; Campbell, J.; Canham, M.; Chandra, A.; Foldes, G.; Gilmanshin, R.; Girard, M.; Gorjup, E.; Hewitt, Z.; Hourd, P.; Hyllner, J.; Jesson, H.; Kee, J.; Kerby, J.; Kotsopoulou, N.; Kowalski, S.; Leidel, C.; Marshall, D.; Masi, L.; McCall, M.; McCann, C.; Medcalf, N.; Moore, H.; Ozawa, H.; Pan, D.; Parmar, M.; Plant, A.L.; Reinwald, Y.; Sebastian, S.; Stacey, G.; Thomas, R.J.; Thomas, D.; Thurman-Newell, J.; Turner, M.; Vitillio, L.; Wall, I.; Wilson, A.; Wolfrum, J.; Yang, Y.; Zimmerman, H.
Journal Article
2016 Cryopreservation strategies & technical solutions for pluripotent stem cell banking
Zimmermann, H.; Neubauer, J.C.
2016 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur optischen Detektion einer Bewegung in einer biologischen Probe mit räumlicher Ausdehnung
Zimmermann, Heiko; Stracke, Frank; Harzic, Ronan le
2016 Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik. Jahresbericht 2015
Annual Report
2016 Biomedizintechnik
2016 Medizinische Biotechnologie
2016 Ultraschall
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