Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2012 | Strength enhanced bioactive hydroxyapatite freeze-foams Ahlhelm, Matthias; Gorjup, Erwin; Briesen, H. von; Moritz, Tassilo |
Poster |
2012 | Ultrasound-induced sonoporation with the aid of magnetic nanoparticles Anastasiadis, P.; Allen, J.S.; Matsunaga, T.; Bertram, J.; Weber, P.K.; Moisyadi, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Development platform for intelligent implants in real-time monitoring applications Audi, J.C.; Kiesel, J.; Rönsch, F.; Müller, C.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Verteilte Sensoren für medizinische Anwendungen Becher, K. |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | Power management techniques in wireless sensor network Becher, K.; Dussa, S.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Time synchronization protocol in wireless sensor network Becher, K.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Children who acquire HIV infection perinatally are at higher risk of early death than those acquiring infection through breastmilk: a meta-analysis Becquet, R.; Marston, M.; Dabis, F.; Moulton, L.H.; Gray, G.; Coovadia, H.M.; Essex, M.; Ekouevi, D.K.; Jackson, D.; Coutsoudis, A.; Kilewo, C.; Leroy, V.; Wiktor, S.Z.; Nduati, R.; Msellati, P.; Zaba, B.; Ghys, P.D.; Newell, M.L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Synthesis of porous PEG microgels using CaCO3 microspheres as hard templates Behra, M.; Schmidt, S.; Hartmann, J.; Volodkin, D.V.; Hartmann, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Diagnosis of early Barrett's neoplasia and esophageal squamous cell neoplasia by electrical bio-impedance spectroscopy in human tissue Borgulya, M.; Kurz, C.M.; Knoll, T.; Velten, T.; Vieth, M.; Ell, C.; Pech, O. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Virtuelle Biopsie durch elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie in Ösophaguskarzinomen Borgulya, M.; Kurz, C.; Knoll, T.; Velten, T.; Vieth, M.; Pech, O. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Comparison of the optoacoustic signal generation efficiency of different nanoparticular contrast agents Bost, W.; Lemor, R.; Fournelle, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Ice-free cryopreservation of heart valve allografts: Better extracellular matrix preservation in vivo and preclinical results Brockbank, K.G.M.; Schenke-Layland, K.; Greene, E.D.; Chen, Z.; Fritze, O.; Schleicher, M.; Kaulitz, R.; Riemann, I.; Fend, F.; Albes, J.M.; Stock, U.A.; Lisy, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Biological and technological challenges establishing a future-proof cryogenic biomaterialbank Ciba, P.; Böhmert, B.; Lermen, D.; Fuhr, G.R.; Kruse, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Protein rebinding to a surface-confined imprint Dechtrirat, D.; Jetzschmann, K.J.; Stöcklein, W.F.M.; Scheller, F.W.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Optimized MBES antenna and system for high resolution sonar imaging and AUV applications Degel, C.; Becker, F.J.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.J.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Noninvasive quality control of cryopreserved samples Dörr, D.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | A direct competitive homogeneous immunoassay for progesterone - The redox quenching immunoassay Ettlinger, J.; Schenk, J.A.; Micheel, B.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Antitumor necrosis factor- antibody-coupled gold nanorods as nanoprobes for molecular optoacoustic imaging in arthritis Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Tarner, I.H.; Lehmberg, T.; Weiß, E.; Lemor, R.; Dinser, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Optoakustische Bildgebung - Grundlagen, Technik und Anwendung in der Biomedizinischen Forschung Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Tretbar, S.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Begehbare Kühlanlage, insbesondere zur Kryokonservierung biologischer Proben, und Verfahren zu deren Betrieb Fuhr, Günther; Zimmermann, Heiko; Kranz, Bernd R.; Schmidt, Tomm |
Patent |
2012 | Kühlanlage, insbesondere zur Kryokonservierung biologischer Proben, mit Einrichtungen für den Fall einer Havarie Fuhr, Günther; Zimmermann, Heiko |
Patent |
2012 | Schutzanzug zur Verwendung in einem Kühlraum Fuhr, Günther; Zimmermann, Heiko; Hoffmann, Klaus-Peter |
Patent |
2012 | Energy-efficient real-time compression of biosignals George, R.M.; Audi, J.C.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Power electronic converters for high power ultrasound transducers Ghasemi, N.; Zare, F.; Davari, P.; Weber, P.; Langton, C.; Ghosh, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Fabricating electrodes for amperometric detection in hybrid paper/polymer lab-on-a-chip devices Godino, N.; Gorkin, R.; Bourke, K.; Ducrée, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | P-medicine: A solution for translational research? Graf, N.; Anguita, A.; Bucur, A.; Burke, D.; Claerhout, B.; Coveney, P.; d'Onofrio, A.; Forgo, N.; Hahn, C.; Hintz, J.; Jefferys, B.; Kiefer, S.; Marias, K.; McVie, G.; Ohmann, C.; Persidis, A.; Pukacki, J.; Rossi, S.; Ruping, S.; Schwarz, U.; Stamatakos, G.; Stanulla, M.; Stenzhorn, H.; Tanaka, Y.; Taylor, M.; Tsiknakis, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Microfluidic system for cell mechanics analysis through dielectrophoresis Guido, I.; Xiong, C.; Jaeger, M.S.; Duschl, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Dansyl, a fluorescent photoprotecting group for microarray applications Heise, C.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | In vitro and in vivo investigations of upconversion and NIR emitting Gd2O3:Er3+,Yb3+ nanostructures for biomedical applications Hemmer, E.; Takeshita, H.; Yamano, T.; Fujiki, T.; Kohl, Y.; Löw, K.; Venkatachalam, N.; Hyodo, H.; Kishimoto, H.; Soga, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Highly scalable and flexible FPGA based platform for advanced ultrasound research Hewener, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Fonfara, H.; Motzki, F.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Entwicklung neuer Ultraschallverfahren - Eine Software für die Verarbeitung von Ultraschallsignalen Hewener, H.; Thiel, C.; Kubale, R.; Tretbar, S.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Sleep diagnostic systems Hoffmann, K.-P.; Pozos, R.S. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Introduction to neuroprosthetics Hoffmann, K.-P.; Micera, S. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Implantable microsystems Hoffmann, K.-P.; Tathireddy, P.; Solzbacher, F.; Hitchcock, R. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Devices and methods in clinical neurophysiology Hoffmann, K.-P.; Krechel, U. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Recording and processing of biosignals Hoffmann, K.-P.; Solzbacher, F. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Nystagmography Hoffmann, K.-P.; Fernandez, E. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Microarray-based method for screening of immunogenic proteins from bacteria Hoppe, S.; Bier, F.F.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Intelligentes, textilbasiertes Mikrosystem zur Prävention der Ulcusbildung bei Diabetes- und Dekubituspatienten durch Erfassung dynamischer und statischer Gebewebelastungen: UlcPrävent Horter, H.; Rieder, O.; Bounhoure, V.; Adamzig, H.; Kurz, C.; Velten, T.; Müller, E.; Schimpfle, M.; Will, C.; Push, M.; Siegert, K. |
Bericht Report |
2012 | Preclinical evaluation of ice-free cryopreserved arteries: Structural integrity and hemocompatibility Huber, A.J.T.; Brockbank, K.G.M.; Riemann, I.; Schleicher, M.; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Fritze, O.; Wendel, H.P.; Stock, U.A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Impaired epidermal skin barrier in atopic dermatitis Huck, V.; Gorzelanny, C.; Thomas, K.; Schwarz, M.; Riemann, I.; Mess, C.; Getova, V.; Niemeyer, V.; Metze, D.; Luger, T.A.; Konig, K.; Schneider, S.W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Experimentelle Hornhautbildgebung und Hornhautchirurgie mit nicht verstärkten Femtosekundenlaserpulsen Huss, C.; Krause, M.; Low, U.; Riemann, I.; Stracke, F.; Mestres, P.; Seitz, B.; König, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Fluorescence response of human HER2+ cancer- and MCF-12F normal cells to 200 MHz ultrasound microbeam stimulation: A preliminary study of membrane permeability variation Hwang, J.Y.; Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Medina-Kauwe, L.K.; Kirk Shung, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | d-LIVER - A potential solution for outpatient management of chronic liver failure Jara, M.; Lock, J.F.; Malinowski, M.; Jones, D.E.; Kiefer, S.; Strisland, F.; Neuhaus, P.; Stockmann, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Water coordinated zinc dioxo-chlorin and porphyrin self-assemblies as chlorosomal mimics: Variability of supramolecular interactions Jesorka, A.; Holzwarth, A.R.; Eichhöfer, A.; Reddy, C.M.; Kinoshita, Y.; Tamiaki, H.; Katterle, M.; Naubron, J.-V.; Balaban, T.S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Total mesorectal excision - does the choice of dissection technique have an impact on pelvic autonomic nerve preservation? Kauff, D.W.; Kempski, O.; Huppert, S.; Koch, K.P.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Impact of selective surgical pelvic autonomic nerve damage on the evoked neuromonitoring signal of the internal anal sphincter Kauff, D.W.; Koch, K.P.; Kempski, O.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Continuous intraoperative monitoring of autonomic nerves during low anterior rectal resection: an innovative approach for observation of functional nerve integrity in pelvic surgery Kauff, D.W.; Kempski, O.; Koch, K.P.; Huppert, S.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Detecting a Secreted Gastric Cancer Biomarker Molecule by Targeted Nanoparticles for Real-Time Diagnostics Khazanov, E.; Yavin, E.; Pascal, A.; Nissan, A.; Kohl, Y.; Reimann-Zawadzki, M.; Rubinstein, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | A Framework for Leveraging Ontologies for Digital Long-Term Preservation in Healthcare Kiefer, S.; Rauch, J.; Schäfer, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Ensuring profitability of commercial long-term digital preservation Kiefer, S.; Wilson, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | A semantic approach for digital long-term preservation of electronic health documents Kiefer, S.; Schäfer, M.; Rauch, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Highly controlled electrofusion of individually selected cells in dielectrophoretic field cages Kirschbaum, M.; Guernth-Marschner, C.R.; Cherre, S.; Pena, A.D.; Jaeger, M.S.; Kroczek, R.A.; Schnelle, T.; Mueller, T.; Duschl, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Total mesorectal excision with intraoperative assessment of internal anal sphincter innervation provides new insights into neurogenic incontinence Kneist, W.; Kauff, D.W.; Gockel, I.; Huppert, S.; Koch, K.P.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Biocompatible micro cavity chip for noninvasive toxicity studies on the cellular level Kohl, Y.; Oostingh, G.; Duschl, A.; Briesen, H. von |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Patchiness of embedded particles and film stiffness control through concentration of gold nanoparticles Kohler, D.; Madaboosi, N.; Delcea, M.; Schmidt, S.; Geest, B.G. de; Volodkin, D.V.; Möhwald, H.; Skirtach, A.G. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Polymer-based fabrication techniques for enclosed microchannels in biomedical applications Krebs, A.; Knoll, T.; Nußbaum, D.; Velten, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Process optimization and biocompatibility of cell carriers suitable for automated magnetic manipulation Krejci, I.; Piana, C.; Howitz, S.; Wegener, T.; Fiedler, S.; Zwanzig, M.; Schmitt, D.; Daum, N.; Meier, K.; Lehr, C.M.; Batista, U.; Zemljic, S.; Messerschmidt, J.; Franzke, J.; Wirth, M.; Gabor, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Toxine aufspüren. Zellfreie Proteinsynthese - Möglichkeiten der Darstellung zytotoxischer Proteine Kubick, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Validation processes of protein biomarkers in serum - a cross platform comparison. Review Köhler, K.; Seitz, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Ultrasonic stimulation of single bovine aortic endothelial cells at 1GHz Lee, C.; Kim, T.-J.; Lee, J.; Hwang, J.Y.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Wang, Y.; Shung, K.K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Acquisition of muscle activity with a fully implantable multi-channel measurement system Lewis, S.; Russold, M.; Dietl, H.; Ruff, R.; Dörge, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Abu-Saleh, L.; Schröder, D.; Krautschneider, W.; Westendorff, S.; Gail, A.; Meiners, T.; Kaniusas, E. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Direct labeling rolling circle amplification as a straightforward signal amplification technique for biodetection formats Linck, L.; Reiß, E.; Bier, F.; Resch-Genger, U. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Microfluidics meets soft layer-by-layer films: Selective cell growth in 3D polymer architectures Madaboosi, N.; Uhlig, K.; Schmidt, S.; Jäger, M.S.; Möhwald, H.; Duschl, C.; Volodkin, D.V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Microfluidics as a tool to understand the build-up mechanism of exponential-like growing films Madaboosi, N.; Uhlig, K.; Jäger, M.S.; Möhwald, H.; Duschl, C.; Volodkin, D.V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Surface-based cryopreservation strategies for human embryonic stem cells Malpique, R.; Tostoes, R.; Beier, A.F.J.; Serra, M.; Brito, C.; Schulz, J.C.; Björquist, P.; Zimmermann, H.; Alves, P.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Automatisierte, oberflächenbasierte Kultivierung humaner Stammzellen in miniaturisierten Bioreaktoren Meiser, I.; Lorig, H.; Gepp, M.; Gastrock, G.; Lemke, K.; Schulz, J.C.; Zimmermann, H. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Analytische Chemie 2010/2011. Trendbericht Mizaikoff, B.; Lämmerhofer, M.; Broekart, J.A.C.; Popp, J.; Lendl, B.; Leopold, K.; Scheller, F.W.S.; Yarman, A.; Schumacher, S.; Plumere, N.; Hennig, A.; Nau, W.; Kranz, C.; Einax, J.W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Advantages of voice reproduction and the development of a biomimetic self-regulating double-clack valve for a prosthesis of the larynx Nazaradeh, F.; Dupre, M.A.; Doerge, T.; Eckermann, C.; Kelterer, W.; Nazaradeh, D.; Steltenkamp, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Trends and perspectives Neuzil, P.; Xu, Y.; Manz, A. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Construction of an artificial cell membrane anchor using DARC as a fitting for artificial extracellular functionalities of eukaryotic cells Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Teschke, T.; Bier, F.F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | pH- and salt-mediated response of layer-by-layer assembled PSS/PAH microcapsules: fusion and polymer exchange Pechenkin, M.A.; Möhwald, H.; Volodkin, D.V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Cooling and recovery from intense exercise - a systematic review of studies with trained athletes Poppendieck, W.; Faude, O.; Wegmann, M.; Meyer, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Synthesis and functionalization of poly(ethylene glycol) microparticles as soft colloidal probes for adhesion energy measurements Pussak, D.; Behra, M.; Schmidt, S.; Hartmann, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Characterization of an UV- and VIS-absorbing, purpurogallin-derived secondary pigment new to algae and highly abundant in Mesotaenium berggrenii (Zygnematophyceae, Chlorophyta), an extremophyte living on glaciers Remias, D.; Schwaiger, S.; Aigner, S.; Leya, T.; Stuppner, H.; Lütz, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Sub-cellular tumor identification and markerless differentiation in the rat brain in vivo by multiphoton microscopy Riemann, I.; Harzic, R. le; Mpoukouvalas, K.; Heimann, A.; Kempski, O.; Charalampaki, P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) might contaminate murine monoclonal antibodies after purification on protein G Schenk, J.A.; Fettke, J.; Lenz, C.; Albers, K.; Mallwitz, F.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Kusch, E.; Sellrie, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Control of cell adhesion by mechanical reinforcement of soft polyelectrolyte films with nanoparticles Schmidt, S.; Madaboosi, N.; Uhlig, K.; Köhler, D.; Skirtach, A.; Duschl, C.; Möhwald, H.; Volodkin, D.V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | A "Velcro" type of metal-based micro connector Schuck, H.; Bauerfeld, F.; Knoll, T.; Velten, T.; Zwanzig, M.; Schmidt, R.; Kallmayer, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | An automated HIV-1 Env-pseudotyped virus production for global HIV vaccine trials Schultz, A.; Koch, S.; Fuss, M.; Mazzotta, A.S.; Sarzotti-Kelsoe, M.; Ozaki, D.A.; Montefiori, D.C.; Briesen, H. von; Zimmermann, H.; Meyerhans, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | First steps towards the successful surface-based cultivation of human embryonic stem cells in hanging drop systems Schulz, J.C.; Stumpf, P.S.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Sachinidis, A.; Hescheler, J.; Zimmermann, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Towards a xeno-free and fully chemically defined cryopreservation medium for maintaining viability, recovery, and antigen-specific functionality of PBMC during long-term storage Schulz, J.C.; Germann, A.; Kemp-Kamke, B.; Mazzotta, A.; Briesen, H. von; Zimmermann, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Patientennahe diagnostische Versorgung realisieren Schumacher, S.; Michel, D.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Miniaturization for point-of-care analysis. Platform technology for almost every biomedical assay Schumacher, S.; Sartorius, D.; Ehrentreich-Förster, Eva; Bier, F.F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Highly-integrated lab-on-chip system for point-of-care multiparameter analysis Schumacher, Soeren; Nestler, Jörg; Otto, Thomas; Wegener, Michael; Ehrentreich-Förster, Eva; Michel, Dirk; Wunderlich, Kai; Palzer, Silke; Sohn, Kai; Weber, Achim; Burgard, Matthias; Grzesiak, Andrzej; Teichert, Andreas; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Koger, Birgit; Albers, Jörg; Nebling, Eric; Bier, Frank F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Multilayer polyelectrolyte assembly in feedback active coatings and films Shchukin, D.G.; Möhwald, H. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Computing architecture for the portable four-dimensional ultrasound diagnostic imaging system Shen, Yi-Ting; Freibert, A.; Stergiopoulos, S.; Plataniotis, K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Changes in the dielectric properties of medaka fish embryos during development, studied by electrorotation Shirakashi, R.; Mischke, M.; Fischer, P.; Memmel, S.; Krohne, G.; Schartl, M.; Fuhr, G.R.; Zimmermann, H.; Sukhorukov, V.L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Zwitterionic dithiocarboxylates derived from N-heterocyclic carbenes: Coordination to gold surfaces Siemeling, U.; Memczak, H.; Bruhn, C.; Vogel, F.; Träger, F.; Baio, J.E.; Weidner, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Remote and Self-Induced Release from Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules and Films Skirtach, A.G.; Volodkin, D.V.; Möhwald, H. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2012 | Interaction of a single-stranded DNA-binding protein g5p with DNA oligonucleotides immobilised on a gold surface Solomun, T.; Sturm, H.; Wellhausen, R.; Seitz, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Elemental and fatty acid composition of snow algae in Arctic habitats Spijkerman, E.; Wacker, A.; Weithoff, G.; Leya, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Production of functional antibody fragments in a vesicle-based eukaryotic cell-free translation system Stech, M.; Merk, H.; Schenk, J.A.; Stöcklein, W.; Wüstenhagen, D.; Micheel, B.; Duschl, C.; Bier, F.F.; Kubick, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Cellular imaging of human atherosclerotic lesions by intravascular electric impedance spectroscopy Streitner, I.; Goldhofer, M.; Cho, S.; Kinscherf, R.; Thielecke, H.; Borggrefe, M.; Süselbeck, T.; Streitner, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Targeting antibody responses to the membrane proximal external region of the envelope glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus Toukam, D.K.; Tenbusch, M.; Stang, A.; Temchura, V.; Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, M.; Grewe, B.; Koch, S.; Meyerhans, A.; Nchinda, G.; Kaptue, L.; Überla, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | On the influence of the architecture of poly(ethylene glycol)-based thermoresponsive polymers on cell adhesion Uhlig, K.; Boysen, B.; Lankenau, A.; Jaeger, M.; Wischerhoff, E.; Lutz, J.F.; Laschewsky, A.; Duschl, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | 3d localization and diffusion of proteins in polyelectrolyte multilayers Uhlig, K.; Madaboosi, N.; Schmidt, S.; Jager, M.S.; Rose, J.; Duschl, C.; Volodkin, D.V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Supporting Mars exploration: BIOMEX in low earth orbit and further astrobiological studies on the moon using raman and PanCam technology Vera, J.-P. de; Boettger, U.; Noetzel, R.D.; Sanchez, F.J.; Grunow, D.; Schmitz, N.; Lange, C.; Hübers, H.-W.; Billi, D.; Baque, M.; Rettberg, P.; Rabbow, E.; Reitz, G.; Berger, T.; Möller, R.; Bohmeier, M.; Horneck, G.; Westall, F.; Jänchen, J.; Fritz, J.; Meyer, C.; Onofri, S.; Selbmann, L.; Zucconi, L.; Kozyrovska, N.; Leya, T.; Foing, B.; Demets, R.; Cockell, C.S.; Bryce, C.; Wagner, D.; Serrano, P.; Edwards, H.G.M.; Joshi, J.; Huwe, B.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Elsaesser, A.; Ott, S.; Meessen, J.; Feyh, N.; Szewzyk, U.; Jaumann, R.; Spohn, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Bioapplications of light-sensitive polymer films and capsules assembled using the layer-by-layer technique Volodkin, D.; Skirtach, A.; Möhwald, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | One-step formulation of protein microparticles with tailored properties: Hard templating at soft conditions Volodkin, D.V.; Schmidt, S.; Fernandes, P.; Larionova, N.I.; Sukhorukov, G.B.; Duschl, C.; Möhwald, H.; Klitzing, R. von |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |