Publication Type
2011 Research priorities for HIV/M. tuberculosis co-infection
Alvarez, M.A.; Arbelaez, P.; Bastos, F.I.; Berkhout, B.; Bhattacharya, B.; Bocharov, G.; Chereshnev, V.; Cuchi, P.; Däumer, M.; Demikhova, O.; Feldmann, K.; Garcia, L.F.; Giehl, C.; Gulalia, A.; Kampmann, B.; Karamov, E.; Kebaabetswe, P.; Kiselev, M.; Knellwolf, A.-L.; Kritski, A.L.; Lange, C.; Lopez-Galindez, C.; Makone, A.; Martin, A.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Mcnerney, R.; Meyerhans, A.; Migliori, G.B.; Morgado, M.G.; Nachega, J.; Ngwira, B.; Odermarsky, M.; Ota, M.; Palomino, J.C.; Pfyffer, G.E.; Preiser, W.; Ritacco, V.; Robledo, J.; Rodrigues, C.; Salomon, H.; Samper, S.; Sanchez, J.; Sester, M.; Seth, P.; Seti, B.; Sidorovich, I.; Singla, R.; Sonnier, L.; Torti, C.; Tortoli, E.; Vandevelde, W.; Vella, S.; Veloso, V.; Briesen, H. von; Walia, K.; Walzl, G.; Wingfield, C.
Journal Article
2011 Preparation and characterization of novel molecularly imprinted polymers based on thiourea receptors for nitrocompounds recognition
Athikomrattanakul, U.; Katterle, M.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2011 Thermometric sensing of nitrofurantoin by noncovalently imprinted polymers containing two complementary functional monomers
Athikomrattanakul, U.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2011 Entwicklung und Realisierung eines gurtintegrierten Glasfaser-Plethysmographen zur Erfassung der Atemanstrengung innerhalb eines drahtlosen Sensornetzwerks
Becher, K.; Strufe, M.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2011 Effective surface-based cryopreservation of human embryonic stem cells by vitrification
Beier, A.F.J.; Schulz, J.C.; Dörr, D.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Sachinidis, A.; Hescheler, J.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2011 Biosensoren der Zukunft: in-vitro-Diagnostik im Point-of-Care-Format für die personalisierte Medizin
Bier, F.F.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Schuhmacher, S.
Journal Article
2011 Biosensoren der Zukunft: in vitro-Diagnostik im Point-of-Care-Format für die personalisierte Medizin
Bier, F.F.; Teller, C.
Conference Paper
2011 Biosensoren der Zukunft: patientennahe in vitro-Diagnostik für personalisierte Medizin
Bier, F.F.; Schumacher, S.
Journal Article
2011 Autonomous biosensors - Technologies that help to bring biomarkers to the patient
Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2011 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur gerichteten Immobilisierung von Nano- und Mikroobjekten auf einer Substratoberfläche, damit erhaltene Immobilisate und deren Verwendung
Bier, Frank; Hölzel, Ralph
2011 Volume regulation of murine T lymphocytes relies on voltage-dependent and two-pore domain potassium channels
Bobak, N.; Bittner, S.; Andronic, J.; Hartmann, S.; Mühlpfordt, F.; Schneider-Hohendorf, T.; Wolf, K.; Schmelter, C.; Göbel, K.; Meuth, P.; Zimmermann, H.; Döring, F.; Wischmeyer, E.; Budde, T.; Wiendl, H.; Meuth, S.G.; Sukhorukov, V.L.
Journal Article
2011 Volume regulation of murine T lymphocytes relies on voltage-dependent and two-pore domain potassium channels
Bobak, N.; Bittner, S.; Andronic, J.; Hartmann, S.; Mühlpfordt, F.; Schneider-Hohendorf, T.; Wolf, K.; Schmelter, C.; Göbel, K.; Meuth, P.; Zimmermann, H.; Döring, F.; Wischmeyer, E.; Budde, T.; Wiendl, H.; Meuth, S.G.; Sukhorukov, V.L.
Journal Article
2011 Filtration at the microfluidic level: Enrichment of nanoparticles by tunable filters
Boettcher, M.; Schmidt, S.; Latz, A.; Jaeger, M.S.; Stuke, M.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2011 DNA-nanostructure-assembly by sequential spotting
Breitenstein, M.; Nielsen, P.E.; Hölzel, R.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2011 The ACGT Master Ontology and its applications - towards an ontology-driven cancer research and management system
Brochhausen, M.; Spear, A.D.; Cocos, C.; Weiler, G.; Martin, L.; Anguita, A.; Stenzhorn, H.; Daskalaki, E.; Schera, F.; Schwarz, U.; Sfakianakis, S.; Kiefer, S.; Dörr, M.; Graf, N.; Tsiknakis, M.
Journal Article
2011 3D-Mikroelektroden als Werkzeuge fur die Manipulation von Partikeln in Mikrofluidikkanalen
Böttcher, M.; Jäger, M.S.; Duschl, C.; Stuke, M.
Conference Paper
2011 Real-time data link for wireless implantable applications
Cardona Audi, J.; Müller, C.; Scholz, O.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2011 Quantification of Water Transport and Volume Regulation by Means of Acoustic Microscopy, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and Raman Microscopy
Christmann, J.; Azer, L.; Dörr, D.; Wehner, F.
Journal Article
2011 Organization and implementation of a modern biobank
Ciba, P.; Lermen, D.; Fuhr, G.R.; Kruse, C.
Journal Article
2011 HI 6 human serum albumin nanoparticles-Development and transport over an in vitro blood-brain barrier model
Dadparvar, M.; Wagner, S.; Wien, S.; Kufleitner, J.; Worek, F.; Briesen, H. von; Kreuter, J.
Journal Article
2011 Concept and demonstrator for modular pressure tolerant autonomous underwater vehicle
Degel, C.; Becker, F.J.; Heinz, M.; Schmieger, M.; Moses, M.; Molitor, M.; Hewener, H.; Schmitt, D.; Weber, P.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2011 Anisotropic multicompartment micro- and nano-capsules produced via embedding into biocompatible PLL/HA films
Delcea, M.; Madaboosi, N.; Yashchenok, A.M.; Subedi, P.; Volodkin, D.V.; Geest, B.G. de; Möhwald, H.; Skirtach, A.G.
Journal Article
2011 Substrat, Kultivierungseinrichtung und Kultivierungsverfahren für biologische Zellen
Duschl, C.; Lankenau, A.; Lutz, J.-F.; Laschewsky, A.; Wischerhoff, E.; Fuhr, G.; Bier, F.
2011 Thermoresponsives Substrat mit Mikrogelen, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung und Kultivierungsverfahren für biologische Zellen
Duschl, C.; Lankenau, A.; Schmidt, S.; Hellweg, T.; Wischerhoff, E.; Laschewsky, A.; Lutz, J.-F.
2011 Electrophoretic deposition of calcium phosphate nanoparticles on a nanostructured silicon surface
Epple, M.; Neumeier, M.; Dörr, D.; Harzic, Ronan Le; Sauer, D.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2011 Visual prostheses
Fernandez, E.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Tiefseevorrichtung zur Bergung zumindest eines Tiefseeobjekts
Fuhr, G.
2011 Qualifiziertes Biobanking - Rückgrat der zukünftigen Medizin und Biotechnologie
Fuhr, G.R.
Journal Article
2011 Mikro-Contact Printing: Alginat-Kapselfolien als lebende, transplantierfahige Hormonpflaster
Gepp, M.; Ehrhart, F.; Böse, T.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Neue In-Vitro Assays mit der "CellCartridge": Kombination von Kryokonservierung und Lebend-Zell Mikroskopie
Gepp, M.; Ehrhart, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Standardized serum-free cryomedia maintain peripheral blood mononuclear cell viability, recovery, and antigen-specific T-cell response compared to fetal calf serum-based medium
Germann, A.; Schulz, J.C.; Kemp-Kamke, B.; Zimmermann, H.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2011 Development and characterization of a disposable plastic microarray printhead
Grießner, M.; Hartig, D.; Christmann, A.; Pohl, C.; Schellhase, M.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.
Journal Article
2011 Dielectrophoretic stretching of cells allows for characterization of their mechanical properties
Guido, I.; Jaeger, M.S.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2011 New system for real time study of in vivo migration and differentiation of stem cells
Haque, S.; Fuhr, G.R.
Journal Article
2011 Large-area, uniform, high-spatial-frequency ripples generated on silicon using a nanojoule-femtosecond laser at high repetition rate
Harzic, R. le; Dörr, D.; Sauer, D.; Neumeier, M.; Epple, M.; Zimmermann, H.; Stracke, F.
Journal Article
2011 Generation of high spatial frequency ripples on silicon under ultrashort laser pulses irradiation
Harzic, R. le; Dörr, D.; Sauer, D.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2011 Formation of periodic nanoripples on silicon and germanium induced by femtosecond laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Dörr, D.; Sauer, D.; Neumeier, M.; Epple, M.; Zimmermann, H.; Stracke, F.
Conference Paper
2011 A scaffold-free in vitro model for osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells
Hildebrandt, C.; Büth, H.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Schlafdiagnostiksysteme
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Einführung in die Neuroprothetik
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Biosignale erfassen und verarbeiten
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 3D hybrid electrode structure as implantable interface for a vestibular neural prosthesis in humans
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Poppendieck, W.; Tätzner, S.; Digiovanna, J.; Kos, M.I.; Guinand, N.; Guyot, J.-P.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2011 Geräte und Methoden der Klinischen Neurophysiologie (EEG, EMG/ENG, EP)
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Krechel, U.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Nystagmographie
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Intravital multiphoton tomography as an appropriate tool for non-invasive in vivo analysis of human skin affected with atopic dermatitis
Huck, V.; Gorzelanny, C.; Thomas, K.; Mess, C.; Dimitrova, V.; Schwarz, M.; Riemann, I.; Niemeyer, V.; Luger, T.A.; König, K.; Schneider, S.W.
Conference Paper
2011 RFID for anonymous biological samples and pseudonyms
Ihmig, F.; Wick, H.; Hichri, K.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Implantation of ultrathin, biofunctionalized polyimide membranes into the subretinal space of rats
Julien, S.; Peters, T.; Ziemssen, F.; Arango-Gonzalez, B.; Beck, S.; Thielecke, H.; Büth, H.; Vlierberghe, S. van; Sirova, M.; Rossmann, P.; Rihova, B.; Schacht, E.; Dubruel, P.; Zrenner, E.; Schraermeyer, U.
Journal Article
2011 Development and evaluation of biofunctionalized polyimide membranes for ocular applications
Julien, S.; Vlierberghe, S. van; Peters, T.; Zrenner, E.; Sirova, M.; Thielecke, H.; Rihova, B.; Schacht, E.; Dubruel, P.
Conference Paper
2011 Online signal processing of internal anal sphincter activity during pelvic autonomic nerve stimulation
Kauff, D.W.; Koch, K.P.; Somerlik, K.H.; Heimann, A.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.; Kneist, W.
Journal Article
2011 Inspection of the human stomach using remote-controlled capsule endoscopy: A feasibility study in healthy volunteers (with videos)
Keller, J.; Fibbe, C.; Volke, F.; Gerber, J.; Mosse, A.C.; Reimann-Zawadzki, M.; Rabinovitz, E.; Layer, P.; Schmitt, D.; Andresen, V.; Rosien, U.; Swain, P.
Journal Article
2011 Bionische Entwicklung eines selbstregulierenden Doppelklappenventils nach Vorbild der laryngealen Doppelventilfunktion
Kelterer, W.; Dörge, T.; Dupre, M.; Eckermann, C.; Nazaradeh, F.; Poppendieck, W.; Steltenkamp, S.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2011 The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: Enabling Access to Focused and Up-to-Date Healthcare Literature
Kiefer, S.; Rauch, J.; Albertoni, R.; Attene, M.; Giannini, F.; Marini, S.; Schneider, L.; Mesquita, C.; Xing, X.; Lawo, M.
Conference Paper
2011 An ontology-driven search module for accessing chronic pathology literature
Kiefer, S.; Rauch, J.; Albertoni, R.; Attene, M.; Giannini, F.; Marini, S.; Schneider, L.; Mesquita, C.; Xing, X.
Conference Paper
2011 Development of high volume producible nano- and microstructured surfaces
Kluger, Petra; Pretzsch, F.; Buth, H.; Novosel, Esther; Maierle, J.; Wenzel, C.; Walles, Heike
Conference Paper
2011 Selective pelvic autonomic nerve stimulation with simultaneous intraoperative monitoring of internal anal sphincter and bladder innervation
Kneist, W.; Kauff, D.W.; Koch, K.P.; Schmidtmann, I.; Heimann, A.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Lang, H.
Journal Article
2011 Preparation and biological evaluation of multifunctional PLGA-nanoparticles designed for photoacoustic imaging
Kohl, Y.; Kaiser, C.; Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Fournelle, M.; Wischke, C.; Thielecke, H.; Lendlein, A.; Kratz, K.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2011 Effect of gold nanoparticles on adipogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Kohl, Y.; Gorjup, E.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Büchel, C.; Briesen, H. von; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Biocompatible micro-sized cell culture chamber for the detection of nanoparticle-induced IL8 promoter activity on a small cell population
Kohl, Y.; Oostingh, G.J.; Sossalla, A.; Duschl, A.; Briesen, H. von; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Near-infrared dye-loaded PLGA nanoparticles prepared by spray drying for photoacoustic applications
Kohl, Y.; Kaiser, C.; Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Thielecke, H.; Wischke, C.; Lendlein, A.; Kratz, K.; Lemor, R.
Journal Article
2011 Polymer-based fabrication techniques for enclosed microchannels in biomedical applications
Krebs, A.; Knoll, T.; Nussbaum, D.; Velten, T.
Conference Paper
2011 Impedance-controlled cell entrapment using microhole-array chips allows the isolation and identification of single, highly productive cells
Kurz, C.M.; Maurer, A.; Thees, K.; Schillberg, S.; Velen, T.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Towards a cellular multi-parameter analysis platform: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on microhole-array chips
Kurz, C.M.; Moosdijk, S. van der; Thielecke, H.; Velten, T.
Conference Paper
2011 Characterisation of the deflection of thin perforated SiN membranes of micro-hole array chips used for the cell selection
Kurz, C.M.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Chip-based impedance measurement on single cells for monitoring sub-toxic effects on cell membranes
Kurz, C.V.; Büth, H.; Sossalla, A.; Vermeersch, V.; Toncheva, V.; Dubruel, P.; Schacht, E.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2011 Antikörper als Biomarker in der Diagnostik
Köhler, K.; Seitz, H.; Or-Guil, M.; Babel, N.
Journal Article
2011 Multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging of 3D-stem cell spheroids during differentiation
König, K.; Uchugonova, A.; Gorjup, E.
Journal Article
2011 A DNAzyme based label-free detection system for miniaturized assays
Köster, D.M.; Haselbach, D.; Lehrach, H.; Seitz, H.
Journal Article
2011 Two-dimensional cell trapping by ultrasound microbeam
Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Kim, H.H.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Teh, S.-Y.; Lee, A.; Shung, K.K.
Conference Paper
2011 Targeted cell immobilization by ultrasound microbeam
Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Kim, H.H.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Teh, S.-Y.; Lee, A.; Shung, K.K.
Journal Article
2011 CCCRYO - Culture collection of cryophilic algae: A bioresource for industrially relevant metabolites
Leya, T.; Broedel, A.; Connor, D.; Jorde, F.; Wenzel, D.
Journal Article
2011 On-chip integrated lensless fluorescence microscopy/spectroscopy module for cell-based sensors
Li, W.; Knoll, T.; Sossalla, A.; Bueth, H.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Click chemistry for the assembly of gold nanorods and silver nanoparticles
Locatelli, E.; Ori, G.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.; Montorsi, M.; Comes Franchini, M.
Journal Article
2011 Targeted human serum albumin nanoparticles for specific uptake in EGFR-Expressing colon carcinoma cells
Löw, K.; Wacker, M.; Wagner, S.; Langer, K.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2011 Comparison of intracellular accumulation and cytotoxicity of free mTHPC and mTHPC-loaded PLGA nanoparticles in human colon carcinoma cells
Löw, K.; Knobloch, T.; Wagner, S.; Wiehe, A.; Engel, A.; Langer, K.; Briesen, H.V.
Journal Article
2011 Decoding of grasping information from neural signals recorded using peripheral intrafascicular interfaces
Micera, S.; Rossini, P.M.; Rigosa, J.; Citi, L.; Carpaneto, J.; Raspopovic, S.; Tombini, M.; Cipriani, C.; Assenza, G.; Carrozza, M.C.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Yoshida, K.; Navarro, X.; Dario, P.
Journal Article
2011 Micromachining of polyimide foils for the fabrication of embossing masters for rotary hot embossing processes
Nußbaum, D.; Knoll, T.; Velten, T.
Conference Paper
2011 Problems and challenges in the development and validation of human cell-based assays to determine nanoparticle-induced immunomodulatory effects
Oostingh, G.J.; Casals, E.; Italiani, P.; Colognato, R.; Stritzinger, R.; Ponti, J.; Pfaller, T.; Kohl, Y.; Ooms, D.; Favilli, F.; Leppens, H.; Lucchesi, D.; Rossi, F.; Nelissen, I.; Thielecke, H.; Puntes, V.F.; Duschl, A.; Boraschi, D.
Journal Article
2011 Cell-free synthesis and characterization of a novel cytotoxic pierisin-like protein from the cabbage butterfly Pieris rapae
Orth, J.H.C.; Schorch, B.; Boundy, S.; Ffrench-Constant, R.; Kubick, S.; Aktories, K.
Journal Article
2011 Development of a biosensor cartridge integrating active microfluidics, MEMS sensor technology and detection electronics
Ortiz, P.; Keegan, N.; Spoors, J.; Burnett, R.; Hedley, J.; Harris, A.; Burdess, J.; Velten, T.; Biehl, M.; Haberer, W.; Solomon, M.; Campitelli, A.; McNeil, C.
Conference Paper
2011 Evaluation of implantable epimysial electrodes as possible interface to control myoelectric hand prostheses
Poppendieck, W.; Ruff, R.; Gail, A.; Westendorff, S.; Russold, M.; Lewis, S.; Meiners, T.; Dietl, H.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2011 Ethical issues in the development of a vestibular prosthesis
Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Merfeld, D.; Guyot, J.-P.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2011 A case study on self-sufficiency of individual robotic modules in an arena with limited energy resources
Raja, H.; Scholz, O.
Conference Paper
2011 Preparation of DNA nanostructures with repetitive binding motifs by rolling circle amplification.
Reiss, E.; Hölzel, R.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2011 Introduction of a new model for time-continuous and non-contact investigations of in-vitro thrombolysis under physiological flow conditions
Roessler, F.C.; Ohlrich, M.; Marxsen, J.H.; Schmieger, M.; Weber, P.-K.; Stellmacher, F.; Trillenberg, P.; Eggers, J.; Seidel, G.
Journal Article
2011 Safeguarding donors' personal rights and biobank autonomy in biobank networks: The CRIP privacy regime
Schröder, C.; Heidtke, K.R.; Zacherl, N.; Zatloukal, K.; Taupitz, J.
Journal Article
2011 Neue ivD-Plattform für die simultane Messung von bis zu 500 Parametern
Schumacher, S.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2011 ivD-Plattform: Einsatz als POCT-Device im Krankenhaus
Schumacher, S.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2011 Nun prüfe, wer sich bindet: Charakterisierung von Interaktionen mittels kinetischer Messungen
Schumacher, S.; Köhler, K.; Dauber, M.; Jacob, A.; Seitz, H.
Journal Article
2011 Molecular imprinting of fructose using a polymerizable benzoboroxole: Effective complexation at pH 7.4
Schumacher, S.; Grüneberger, F.; Katterle, M.; Hettrich, C.; Hall, D.G.; Scheller, F.W.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.
Journal Article
2011 Label-free detection of enhanced saccharide binding at pH 7.4 to nanoparticulate benzoboroxole based receptor units
Schumacher, S.; Katterle, M.; Hettrich, C.; Paulke, B.-R.; Hall, D.G.; Scheller, F.W.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.
Journal Article
2011 Alizarin Red S as an electrochemical indicator for saccharide recognition
Schumacher, S.; Nagel, T.; Scheller, F.W.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.
Journal Article
2011 A blueprint of ectoine metabolism from the genome of the industrial producer Halomonas elongata DSM 2581T
Schwibbert, K.; Marin-Sanguino, A.; Bagyan, I.; Heidrich, G.; Lentzen, G.; Seitz, H.; Rampp, M.; Schuster, S.C.; Klenk, H.-P.; Pfeiffer, F.; Oesterhelt, D.; Kunte, H.J.
Journal Article
2011 Fluid streaming above interdigitated electrodes in dielectrophoresis experiments
Stanke, S.; Bier, F.F.; Hölzel, R.
Journal Article
2011 Experimental femtosecond laser-assisted nanosurgery of anterior lens capsule
Toropygin, S.G.; Krause, M.; Akkaya, A.; Riemann, I.; Seitz, B.; Mestres, P.; Ruprecht, K.W.; Troeber, L.; Gatzioufas, Z.; König, K.
Journal Article
2011 Novel single-source precursors for the fabrication of PbTiO3, PbZrO3 and Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 thin-films by chemical vapor deposition
Veith, M.; Bender, M.; Lehnert, T.; Zimmer, M.; Jakob, A.
Journal Article
2011 Roll-to-roll hot embossing of microstructures
Velten, T.; Bauerfeld, F.; Schuck, H.; Scherbaum, S.; Landesberger, C.; Bock, K.
Conference Paper
2011 Low cost master fabrication for roll-to-roll hot embossing based on epoxy resin
Velten, T.; Bauerfeld, F.; Schuck, H.; Knoll, T.
Conference Paper
2011 Mikroskopiesystem zur Zustandsbestimmung von Zellen
Velten, Thomas
2011 LbL films as reservoirs for bioactive molecules
Volodkin, D.; Skirtach, A.; Möhwald, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Amplified detection of DNA through an autocatalytic and catabolic DNAzyme-mediated process
Wang, F.; Elbaz, J.; Teller, C.; Willner, I.
Journal Article
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