Publication Type
2010 The individual-cell-based cryo-chip for the cryopreservation, manipulation and observation of spatially identifiable cells. Tl.II: Functional activity of cryopreserved cells
Afrimzon, E.; Zurgil, N.; Shafran, Y.; Ehrhart, F.; Namer, Y.; Moshkov, S.; Sobolev, M.; Deutsch, A.; Howitz, S.; Greuner, M.; Thaele, M.; Meiser, I.; Zimmermann, H.; Deutsch, M.
Journal Article
2010 Multifunction antenna for compact wireless electrophysiological monitoring devices
Anacleto, P.; Figueiredo, C.P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Correia, J.H.; Mendes, P.M.
Conference Paper
2010 Clinical study on the effects of a cosmetic product on dermal extracellular matrix components using a high-resolution multiphoton tomograph
Bazin, R.; Flament, F.; Colonna, A.; Harzic, R. le; Bückle, R.; Piot, B.; Laize, F.; Kaatz, M.; König, K.; Fluhr, J.W.
Journal Article
2010 Regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 LIFESCIENCE.BIZ: Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerung
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.; Kicherer, F.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 ECG-module for a wearable and wireless sensor platform
Becher, K.; Strufe, M.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Development and realisation of a wireless sensor node to record the respiration using bioelectrical impedance analysis
Becher, K.; Hofmann, A.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 PGS-Forschungsprojekte
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Analyse hinsichtlich spezieller technischer Charakteristika
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 High frequency sampled pulse-module for a wearable and wireless sensor platform
Becher, K.; Gose, C.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Entwicklung und Realisierung eines Gewichtmoduls als Teil eines Wireless Sensor Network unter Verwendung des Funkstandards IEEE802.15.4.
Becher, K.; Strufe, M.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Innovatives Langzeitmonitoringsystem zur kabellosen Erfassung von Biosignalen
Becher, K.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Design and realization of a wireless sensor gateway for health monitoring
Becher, K.; Figueiredo, C.P.; Mühle, C.; Ruff, R.; Mendes, P.M.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Relevante technische Standards
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Kommerzielle Persönliche Gesundheitsdienste
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Stand der Technik und Marktüberblick an Persönlichen Gesundheitssystemen
Becher, K.; Kiefer, S.; Kruse, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Antenna design and performance assessment for fast high resolution sonar imaging using high bandwidth transducers and frequency domain compounding
Becker, F.J.; Degel, C.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.J.; Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.M.
Conference Paper
2010 Intrafascicular thin-film multichannel electrodes for sensory feedback: Evidences on a human amputee
Benvenuto, A.; Raspopovic, S.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Carpaneto, J.; Cavallo, G.; Pino, G. di; Guglielmelli, E.; Rossini, L.; Rossini, P.M.; Tombini, M.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Signalgebende Bindemoleküle, Vorrichtung und Verfahren zu deren Verwendung
Bier, F.; Reiß, E.; Stöcklein, W.
2010 Zeitvorteil - Plattformtechnologie für das Labor von morgen schon heute greifbar
Bier, F.F.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Schumacher, S.
Journal Article
2010 Das Labor im Taschentuch - Weiterentwicklung der Lab-on-Chip-Idee
Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2010 Tuning the mechanical properties of bioreducible multilayer films for improved cell adhesion and transfection activity
Blacklock, J.; Vetter, A.; Lankenau, A.; Oupicky, D.; Möhwald, H.
Journal Article
2010 Opto-acoustic techniques for high contrast vasculature imaging with resolution from millimeters to micrometers
Bost, W.; Fournelle, M.; Motzki, F.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2010 Immobilization of different biomolecules by atomic force microscopy
Breitenstein, M.; Hölzel, R.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2010 Ein 3D-Ultraschallnavigationssystem für die computer-assistierte Chirurgie im Kopf-Halsbereich - Visionen und Konzepte
Brennecke, T.; Burgner, J.; Kahrs, L.A.; Günther, C.; Beyl, T.; Raczkowsky, J.; Tretbar, S.; Klenzner, T.; Schipper, J.; Wörn, H.
Conference Paper
2010 Flexible tool for two-photon laser nanoprocessing and large area mapping with high resolution
Bruneel, D.; Audouard, E.; König, K.; Harzic, R. le
Journal Article
2010 Micromachining of metals with ultra-short Ti-Sapphire lasers: Prediction and optimization of the processing time
Bruneel, D.; Matras, G.; Harzic, R. le; Huot, N.; König, K.; Audouard, E.
Journal Article
2010 Influence of the electrode radius on the impedance spectra of cell-covered disc electrode
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2010 High resolution electroencephalography in freely moving mice
Choi, J.H.; Koch, K.P.; Poppendieck, W.; Lee, M.; Shin, H.-S.
Journal Article
2010 Generation of an antibody against the protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor KEPI and characterization of the epitope
Daskalow, K.; Boisguerin, P.; Jandrig, B.; Landeghem, F.K.H. van; Volkmer, R.; Micheel, B.; Schenk, J.A.
Conference Paper
2010 The individual-cell-based cryo-chip for the cryopreservation, manipulation and observation of spatially identifiable cells. Tl.I: Methodology
Deutsch, M.; Afrimzon, E.; Namer, Y.; Shafran, Y.; Sobolev, M.; Zurgil, N.; Deutsch, A.; Howitz, S.; Greuner, M.; Thaele, M.; Zimmermann, H.; Meiser, I.; Ehrhart, F.
Journal Article
2010 A process for microfabrication of double-sided polyimide electrodes
Dörge, T.; Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Measurement of skull bone thickness for bone-anchored hearing aids
Federspil, P.A.; Tretbar, S.H.; Böhlen, F.H.; Rohde, S.; Glaser, S.; Plinkert, P.K.
Journal Article
2010 Autonomy suitability of wireless modules for ambient assisted living applications: WiFi, Zigbee, and proprietary devices
Figueiredo, C.P.; Gama, O.S.; Pereira, C.M.; Mendes, P.M.; Silva, S.; Domingues, L.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Low power wireless acquisition module for wearable health monitoring systems
Figueiredo, C.P.; Becher, K.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Mendes, P.M.
Conference Paper
2010 Molecular imaging using laser-induced ultrasound
Fournelle, M.; Dinser, R.
Journal Article
2010 Multispectral optoacoustic techniques for differentiation of tissue and high-sensitivity imaging of contrast agents
Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Motzki, F.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2010 Polymeric entrapped thiol-coated gold nanorods: Cytotoxicity and suitability as molecular optoacoustic contrast agent
Franchini, M.C.; Ponti, J.; Lemor, R.M.; Fournelle, M.; Broggi, F.; Locatelli, E.
Journal Article
2010 Mesoporous indium tin oxide as a novel platform for bioelectronics
Frasca, S.; Graberg, T. von; Feng, J.-J.; Thomas, A.; Smarsly, B.M.; Weidinger, I.M.; Scheller, F.W.; Hildebrandt, P.; Wollenberger, U.
Journal Article
2010 DNAzyme-like activity of hemin-telomeric G-quadruplexes for the optical analysis of telomerase and its inhibitors
Freeman, R.; Sharon, E.; Teller, C.; Henning, A.; Tzfati, Y.; Willner, I.
Journal Article
2010 Grenzflächendesign für Molekulare Erkennung und Katalyse
Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Athikomrattanakul, U.; Grüneberger, F.; Hettrich, C.; Schumacher, S.; Scheller, F.W.
Conference Paper
2010 Combined application of 13C NMR spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy - investigation on biofilm structure and physico-chemical properties
Garny, K.; Neu, T.R.; Horn, H.; Volke, F.; Manz, B.
Journal Article
2010 Single-step electrospinning of bimodal fiber meshes for ease of cellular infiltration
Gentsch, R.; Boysen, B.; Lankenau, A.; Börner, H.G.
Journal Article
2010 Development of a closed-loop neural prosthesis for vestibular disorders
Giovanna, J. di; Gong, W.; Haburcakova, C.; Kögler, V.; Carpaneto, J.; Genovese, V.; Merfeld, D.; Demosthenous, A.; Guyot, J.P.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Berthoz, A.; Morari, M.; Micera, S.
Journal Article
2010 Corrigendum to "Glandular tissue from human pancreas and salivary gland yields similar stem cell populations " (European journal of cell biology 88 (2009) 409-421)
Gorjup, E.; Danner, S.; Rotter, N.; Habermann, J.; Brassat, U.; Brummendorf, T.H.; Wien, S.; Meyerhans, A.; Wollenberg, B.; Kruse, C.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2010 Surface regeneration of microfluidic microarray printheads through plasma techniques
Grießner, M.; Hartig, D.; Christmann, A.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Warsinke, A.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2010 Influence of medium consumption on cell elasticity
Guido, I.; Jaeger, M.S.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2010 Regulation of HIV-1 infection in cells derived from purified CD34+ cells through manipulation of APOBEC3G expression
Heinzelmann, A.; Stein, S.; Köhl, U.; Dietrich, U.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2010 Solvothermal synthesis of Gadolinium hydroxide and oxide powders and their potential for biomedical applications
Hemmer, E.; Kohl, Y.; Mathur, S.; Thielecke, H.; Soga, K.
Conference Paper
2010 Probing cytotoxicity of gadolinium hydroxide nanostructures
Hemmer, E.; Kohl, Y.; Colquhoun, V.; Thielecke, H.; Soga, K.; Mathur, S.
Journal Article
2010 Dielectrophoresis of DNA: Quantification by impedance measurements
Henning, A.; Bier, F.F.; Hölzel, R.
Journal Article
2010 RFID system for the identification of biological samples
Hichri, K.; Wick, H.; Zimmermann, H.; Ihmig, F.
Conference Paper
2010 Detection of the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in 2D and 3D cultures by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Hildebrandt, C.; Büth, H.; Cho, S.; Thielecke, I.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2010 Handprothesen: nach dem Vorbild der Natur
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Dietl, H.
Journal Article
2010 Design of microelectrodes for a vestibular prosthesis
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Poppendieck, W.; Dörge, T.; Hanauer, M.; Gong, W.; Haburcakova, C.; Merfeld, D.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Armprothesen mit Gedankensteuerung
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Journal Article
2010 Telemonitoring und Mobilität
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Ruff, R.; Becher, K.
Conference Paper
2010 A technical setup for ECG-controlled stimulation of the n. vagus
Hoffmann, K.P.; Becher, K.; Dörge, T.; Ruff, R.; Steltenkamp, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Flexible implantable microelectrodes for rehabilitation
Hoffmann, K.P.; Poppendieck, W.
Conference Paper
2010 GHRC/CAVD-technology: New identification, storage and distribution technologies for vaccine related reagents and specimens
Ihmig, F.R.; Shirley, S.G.; Durst, C.H.; Briesen, H.V.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2010 Active fluids and soft matter in biotechnology and medicine
Jaeger, M.S.
Journal Article
2010 Force propagation and force generation in cells
Jonas, O.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2010 Looking through the ice: Quality control of cryopreserved cells and tissues with cryo focus ion beam scanning electron microscopy
Katsen-Globa, A.; Meiser, I.; Putz, D.; Cismak, A.; Heilmann, A.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2010 Continuous intraoperative monitoring of pelvic autonomic nerves as a microtechnological navigation instrument
Kauff, D.W.; Kempski, O.; Somerlik, K.H.; Koch, K.P.; Göttsche, T.; Feurer, E.; Kneist, W.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.
Conference Paper
2010 Remote magnetic control of a wireless capsule endoscope in the esophagus is safe and feasible
Keller, J.; Fibbe, C.; Volke, F.; Gerber, J.; Mosse, A.C.; Reimann-Zawadzki, M.; Rabinovitz, E.; Layer, P.; Swain, P.
Journal Article
2010 Thermoresponsive PEG-based polymer layers
Kessel, S.; Schmidt, S.; Müller, R.; Wischerhoff, E.; Laschewsky, A.; Lutz, J.-F.; Uhlig, K.; Lankenau, A.; Duschl, C.; Fery, A.
Journal Article
2010 A new platform for optimized sample tracking, data collection and data integration for HIV biomaterials
Kiefer, S.; Rauch, J.; Ihmig, F.; Durst, C.; Zimmermann, H.; Germann, A.; Koch, S.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2010 Intraoperative pelvic nerve stimulation performed under continuous electromyography of the internal anal sphincter
Kneist, W.; Kauff, D.W.; Nedjat, R.K.R.; Rink, A.D.; Heimann, A.; Somerlik, K.; Koch, K.P.; Doerge, T.; Lang, H.
Journal Article
2010 Simultaneous intraoperative monitoring of internal anal sphincter and bladder innervation with pelvic autonomic nerve stimulation
Kneist, W.; Kauff, D.W.; Koch, K.P.; Krüger, T.B.; Kempski, O.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Lang, H.
Journal Article
2010 Evaluation of nanoparticles as contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging in living cells
Kohl, Y.; Thielecke, H.; Bost, W.; Lemor, R.; Stracke, F.; Kaiser, C.; Schroeter, M.; Kratz, K.; Henkel, A.; Sönnichsen, C.
Conference Paper
2010 High frequency 3D-sonar imaging for the inspection of underwater constructions
Kraus, D.; Lemor, R.M.
Conference Paper
2010 Von der Sequenz bis zur Funktion: Zellfreie Synthese von Membranproteinen auf Biochips
Kubick, S.; Pockrand, M.; Richter, L.; Sachse, R.; Wüstenhagen, D.; Duschl, C.; Bier, F.F.
Conference Paper
2010 Adsorption of obidoxime onto human serum albumin nanoparticles: Drug loading, particle size and drug release
Kufleitner, J.; Wagner, S.; Worek, F.; Briesen, H. von; Kreuter, J.
Journal Article
2010 Influence of transfection process on single cell impedance
Kurz, C.M.; Büth, H.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2010 5D-intravital tomography as a novel tool for non-invasive in-vivo analysis of human skin
König, K.; Weinigel, M.; Breunig, H.G.; Gregory, A.; Fischer, P.; Kellner-Höfer, M.; Bückle, R.; Schwarz, M.; Riemann, I.; Stracke, F.; Huck, V.; Gorzelanny, C.; Schneider, S.W.
Conference Paper
2010 Neuro-muscular differentiation of adult porcine skin derived stem cell-like cells
Lermen, D.; Gorjup, E.; Dyce, P.W.; Briesen, H. von; Müller, P.
Journal Article
2010 Impedance of implanted myo-electrodes
Lewis, S.; Gundeman, H.; Russold, M.; Westendorff, S.; Gail, A.; Dörge, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Dietl, H.
Journal Article
2010 On-chip integrated lensless microscopy module for optical monitoring of adherent growing mammalian cells
Li, W.; Knoll, T.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2010 The performance of ice-free cryopreserved heart valve allografts in an orthotopic pulmonary sheep model
Lisy, M.; Pennecke, J.; Brockbank, K.G.M.; Fritze, O.; Schleicher, M.; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Kaulitz, R.; Riemann, I.; Weber, C.N.; Braun, J.; Mueller, K.E.; Fend, F.; Scheunert, T.; Gruber, A.D.; Albes, J.M.; Huber, A.J.; Stock, U.A.
Journal Article
2010 Alginate encapsulation as a novel strategy for the cryopreservation of neurospheres
Malpique, R.; Osorio, L.M.; Ferreira, D.S.; Ehrhart, F.; Brito, C.; Zimmermann, H.; Alves, P.M.
Journal Article
2010 Cryopreservation of artificial and natural pancreatic islets in microsystem-based cryosubstrates
Meiser, I.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Wiedemeier, S.; Kofanova, O.; Mettler, E.; Metze, J.; Weber, M.M.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2010 Thin alginate membranes produced by micro-contact printing for tissue engineering
Meiser, I.; Gepp, M.; Kleer, S.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Ehrhart, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2010 Computation, distributed sensing and communication
Meister, E.; Scholz, O.; Jemai, J.; Havlik, J.; Liu, W.; Karout, S.; Fu, G.; Kernbach, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Assessment technologies for the analysis of the efficacy of a vestibular neural prosthesis
Micera, S.; Sabatini, A.M.; Genovese, V.; Carpaneto, J.; Bacci, L.; Mannini, A.; Monaco, V.; Odetti, L.; Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 A closed-loop neural prosthesis for vestibular disorders
Micera, S.; DiGiovanna, J.; Berthoz, A.; Demosthenous, A.; Guyot, J.-P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Merfeld, D.; Morari, M.
Conference Paper
2010 A closed-loop neural prosthesis for vestibular disorders
Micera, S.; Carpaneto, J.; Berthoz, A.; Demosthenous, A.; Guyot, J.-P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Merfeld, D.; Morari, M.
Conference Paper
2010 Extending hepatocyte functionality for drug-testing applications using high-viscosity alginate-encapsulated three-dimensional cultures in bioreactors
Miranda, J.P.; Rodrigues, A.; Tostoes, R.M.; Leite, S.; Zimmerman, H.; Carrondo, M.J.T.; Alves, P.M.
Journal Article
2010 Fully integrated monolithic optoelectronic transducer for real-time protein and DNA detection: The NEMOSLAB approach
Misiakos, K.; Petrou, P.S.; Kakabakos, S.E.; Yannoukakos, D.; Contopanagos, H.; Knoll, T.; Velten, T.; DeFazio, M.; Schiavo, L.; Passamano, M.; Stamou, D.; Nounesis, G.
Journal Article
2010 A pressure-neutral acoustic transmit receive module (PR-TRM) with integrated data processing for deep sea applications
Molitor, M.; Moses, M.; Schmieger, M.; Walter, O.; Weber, P.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2010 Ionic Topochemical Tuned Biosensor Interface
Nagel, B.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Scheller, F.W.; Katterle, M.
Journal Article
2010 Self-contained microfluidic cartridges for in-vitro diagnostic applications: Recent advances and improvements
Nestler, J.; Otto, T.; Sommer, J.-P.; Michel, B.; Gessner, T.; Bier, F.F.
Conference Paper
2010 Highly-integrated, low-cost in-vitro diagnostic platform for miniaturized assay development
Nestler, J.; Morschhauser, A.; Otto, T.; Koger, B.; Brandenburg, A.; Wunderlich, K.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.; Gessner, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Advanced imaging techniques for assessment of structure, composition and function in biofilm systems. Review
Neu, T.R.; Manz, B.; Volke, F.; Dynes, J.J.; Hitchcock, A.P.; Lawrence, J.R.
Journal Article
2010 Restoration of absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and promotes invasion of colorectal cancer cells
Patsos, G.; Germann, A.; Gebert, J.; Dihlmann, S.
Journal Article
2010 Bioelectrocatalytic properties of Agrocybe aegerita peroxygenase
Peng, L.; Wollenberger, U.; Hofrichter, M.; Ullrich, R.; Scheibner, K.; Scheller, F.W.
Conference Paper
2010 Peroxygenase based sensor for aromatic compounds
Peng, L.; Wollenberger, U.; Kinne, M.; Hofrichter, M.; Ullrich, R.; Scheibner, K.; Fischer, A.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2010 Methods for characterization of vestibular microelectrodes
Poppendieck, W.; Dörge, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2010 Energy autonomy and energy harvesting in reconfigurable swarm robotics
Raja, H.Q.; Scholz, O.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Physiological and morphological processes in the Alpine snow alga Chloromonas nivalis (Chlorophyceae) during cyst formation
Remias, D.; Karsten, U.; Lütz, C.; Leya, T.
Journal Article
2010 Multilayer coating of gold nanoparticles with drug-polymer coadsorbate
Reum, N.; Fink-Straube, C.; Klein, T.; Hartmann, R.W.; Lehr, C.-M.; Schneider, M.
Conference Paper
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