Publication Type
2008 Entrapment of embryonic stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes in macroporous biodegradable microspheres
Akashaa, A.A.; Sotiriadou, I.; Doss, M.X.; Halbach, M.; Winkler, J.; Baunach, J.J.S.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Zimmermann, H.; Choo, Y.; Hescheler, J.; Sachinidis, A.
Journal Article
2008 Specific targeting of HER2 overexpressing breast cancer cells with doxorubicin-loaded trastuzumab-modified human serum albumin nanoparticles
Anhorn, M.G.; Wagner, S.; Kreuter, J.; Langer, K.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2008 Surface and bulk micro- and nano-structuring with nanojoule femtosecond laser pulses at high repetition rate
Becker, P.; Sauer, D.; Bauerfeld, F.; König, K.; Harzic, R. le
Conference Paper
2008 Gaps and Challenges of Point of Care Technology
Biehl, M.; Velten, T.
Journal Article
2008 Gaps and challenges of Point-of-Care technology
Biehl, M.; Velten, T.
Journal Article
2008 DNA microarrays
Bier, F.F.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Reiß, E.; Henkel, J.; Strehlow, R.; Andresen, D.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2008 Potsdam is the top place for bioanalytical research and development
Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2008 BioMicrosystem technologies (bioMST) - enabler for a more individual medicine
Bier, F.F.; Hartwig, K.
Journal Article
2008 Nucleic acid-based nanostructures - recent advancements and the impact of NUCAN
Bier, F.F.; Hölzel, R.
Conference Paper
2008 Gravitation-driven stress-reduced cell handling
Boettcher, M.; Jaeger, M.; Kirschbaum, M.; Mueller, T.; Schnelle, T.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2008 Photoacoustic microscopy for high-resolution imaging
Bost, W.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2008 Developing a high-resolution photoacoustic microscopy platform
Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2008 High frequency ultrasound tissue characterization and acoustic microscopy of intracellular changes
Brand, S.; Weiss, E.C.; Lemor, R.M.; Kolios, M.C.
Journal Article
2008 Biochip-readout for point of care diagnostics
Brandenburg, A.; Curdt, F.; Sulz, G.; Schmitt, K.; Ebling, F.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.
2008 Preparation of nano-arrays by an atomic force microscope
Breitenstein, M.; Christmann, A.; Hölzel, R.; Bier, F.F.
Conference Paper
2008 Global HIV vaccine research cryorepository - GHRC
Briesen, H. von; Fenyo, E.; Holmes, H.; Karamov, E.V.; Meyerhans, A.; Morgado, M.; Mullins, J.I.; Osmanov, S.; Preiser, W.; Scarlatti, G.; Sharma, O.; Finzi, D.; Sutthent, R.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2008 The ACGT master ontology on cancer - a new terminology source for oncological practice
Brochhausen, M.; Weiler, G.; Cocos, C.; Stenzhorn, H.; Graf, N.; Doerr, M.; Tsiknakis, M.
Conference Paper
2008 Zell Array: optimierte optische Einzelzellanalyse mittels Mikrochips
Büth, H.; Kohl, Y.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2008 Electrical impedance spectroscopy for intravascular diagnosis of atherosclerosis
Cho, S.
Conference Paper
2008 Dependence of impedance of embedded single cells on cellular behaviour
Cho, S.; Castellarnau, M.; Samitier, J.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2008 Electrical impedance monitoring of cell monolayer growth in vitro
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2008 A basic study of electrical impedance spectroscopy for intravascular diagnosis and therapy monitoring of atherosclerosis
Cho, S.
Doctoral Thesis
2008 Electrical characterization of human mesenchymal stem cell growth on microelectrode
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2008 On the use of wavelet denoising and spike sorting techniques to process electroneurographic signals recorded using intraneural electrodes
Citi, L.; Carpaneto, J.; Yoshida, K.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Koch, K.P.; Dario, P.; Micera, S.
Journal Article
2008 Airborne phased array for airborne applications based on cellular polymer
Degel, C.; Becker, F.; Heinz, M.; Fonfara, H.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2008 Use of pancreas-derived stem cells to improve vascularization in skin tissue engineering
Egana, J.T.; Danner, S.; Kremer, M.; Rapoport, D.H.; Lavandero, S.; Kruse, C.; Machens, H.G.
Journal Article
2008 Biosensor-based on-site explosives detection using aptamers as recognition elements
Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Orgel, D.; Krause-Griep, A.; Cech, B.; Erdmann, V.A.; Bier, F.; Scheller, F.W.; Rimmele, M.
Journal Article
2008 Improving tissue cryopreservation
Ehrhart, F.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2008 Tuning of thermo-responsive self-assembly monolayers on gold for cell-type-specific control of adhesion
Ernst, O.; Lieske, A.; Holländer, A.; Lankenau, A.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2008 Multichannel thin-film electrode for intramuscular electromyographic recordings
Farina, D.; Yoshida, K.; Stieglitz, T.; Koch, K.P.
Journal Article
2008 Accumulation and filtering of nanoparticles in microchannels using electrohydrodynamically induced vortical flows
Felten, M.; Staroske, W.; Jaeger, M.S.; Schwille, P.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2008 Touchless component handling - towards converging assembly strategies
Fiedler, S.; Müller, T.; Zwanzig, M.; Jäger, M.S.; Böttcher, M.
Journal Article
2008 Contact-less handling of metal sub-micron and nanowires for microelectronic packaging applications
Fiedler, S.; Zwanzig, M.; Boettcher, M.; Jaeger, M.S.; Fuhr, G.R.; Reichl, H.
Conference Paper
2008 Adaption berührungslos induzierter Strukturbildungen mit Nanopartikeln für die Mikro-Nano-AVT
Fiedler, S.; Braun, T.; Bauer, J.
2008 3D electrode localization on wireless sensor networks for wearable BCI
Figueiredo, C.P.; Dias, N.S.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Mendes, P.M.
Conference Paper
2008 A multichannel system for real-time optoacoustics and its suitability for molecular imaging
Fournelle, M.; Maass, K.; Hewener, H.; Günther, C.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2008 A combined platform for b-mode and real-time optoacoustic imaging based on raw data acquisition
Fournelle, M.; Maass, K.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Hewener, H.; Günther, C.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2008 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von gefrorenen biologischen Partikeln
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.
2008 Probenkammer-Adapter, insbesondere fuer die Kryokonservierung biologischer Proben
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.; Briesen, H.; Germann, A.
2008 Kryobehaelter
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.
2008 In vivo - in vitro. Zukünftige Anforderungen an die tierische Zellkultur
Fuhr, G.R.
2008 Optically controlled thermal management on the nanometer length scale
Garwe, F.; Bauerschäfer, U.; Csaki, A.; Steinbrück, A.; Ritter, K.; Bochmann, A.; Bergmann, J.; Weise, A.; Akimov, D.; Maubach, G.; König, K.; Hüttmann, G.; Paa, W.; Popp, J.; Fritzsche, W.
Journal Article
2008 Detection of Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis in muscle tissue with real-time PCR
Guenther, S.; Nöckler, K.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Landgraf, M.; Ewers, C.; Wieler, L.H.; Schierack, P.
Journal Article
2008 Detection of Trichinella spiralis, T-britovi and T-pseudospiralis in muscle tissues with real-time PCR
Gunther, S.; Nöckler, K.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Landgrat, M.; Ewers, C.; Wieler, L.; Schierack, P.
Conference Paper
2008 Development of a fast and parallel detection system for zoonotic pathogens from swine in the whole food chain
Gunther, S.; Landgraf, M.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Kuhn, M.; Bier, F.; Wieler, L.H.; Schierack, P.
Conference Paper
2008 Nanostructuring with nanojoule femtosecond laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Stark, M.; Schuck, H.; Becker, P.; Lai, E.; Bruneel, D.; Bauerfeld, F.; Sauer, D.; Velten, T.; König, K.
Journal Article
2008 Nonlinear optical endoscope based on a compact two axes piezo scanner and a miniature objective lens
Harzic, R. le; Weinigel, M.; Riemann, I.; König, K.; Messerschmidt, B.
Journal Article
2008 Label-free electrical quantification of the dielectrophoretic response of DNA
Henning, A.; Henkel, J.; Bier, F.F.; Hölzel, R.
Journal Article
2008 Easy access to bioactive peptide-polymer conjugates via RAFT
Hentschel, J.; Bleek, K.; Ernst, O.; Lutz, J.-F.; Börner, H.G.
Journal Article
2008 Deconvolution of freehand 3D ultrasound data using improved reconstruction techniques in consideration of ultrasound point spread functions
Hewener, H.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2008 Femtosecond laser-assisted retinal imaging and ablation
Hild, M.; Krause, M.; Riemann, I.; Mestres, P.; Toropygin, S.; Löw, U.; Brückner, K.; Seitz, B.; Jonescu-Cuypers, C.; König, K.
Journal Article
2008 New aspects in hand prosthetics
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Poppendieck, W.
Journal Article
2008 Effect of thermal and deposition processes on surface morphology, crystallinity, and adhesion of Parylene-C
Hsu, J.-M.; Rieth, L.; Kammer, S.; Orthner, M.; Solzbacher, F.
Journal Article
2008 Dielectrophoresis and microfluidics: Key methods for the manipulation of biological objects ranging from nanoparticles to cells
Jaeger, M.S.; Boettcher, M.; Felten, M.; Kirschbaum, M.; Marschner, C.; Duschl, C.
Conference Paper
2008 The structure and functionality of contractile forisome protein aggregates
Jaeger, M.S.; Uhlig, K.; Clausen-Schaumann, H.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2008 Contact-free single-cell cultivation by negative dielectrophoresis
Jäger, M.; Uhlig, K.; Schnelle, T.; Müller, T.
Journal Article
2008 Skin-derived human adult stem cells surprisingly share many features with human pancreatic stem cells
Kajahn, J.; Gorjup, E.; Tiede, S.; Briesen, H. von; Paus, R.; Kruse, C.; Danner, S.
Journal Article
2008 Persönliche Gesundheitssysteme für die häusliche Schlaganfallnachsorge - Erfahrungen aus Pilotprojekten
Kiefer, S.; Schäfer, M.; Ali, S.; Ruff, R.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2008 T cell activation on a single-cell level in dielectrophoresis-based microfluidic devices
Kirschbaum, M.; Jäger, M.S.; Schenkel, T.; Breinig, T.; Meyerhans, A.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2008 Morphological skin ageing criteria by multiphoton laser scanning tomography
Koehler, M.J.; Hahn, S.; Preller, A.; Elsner, P.; Ziemer, M.; Bauer, A.; König, K.; Bückle, R.; Fluhr, J.W.; Kaatz, M.
Journal Article
2008 Clinical multiphoton tomography
König, K.
Journal Article
2008 Femtosecond laser nanoprocessing
König, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2008 Multiphoton-induced cell damage
König, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2008 Ultraschallkopf mit Ultraschall-Doppler-Anordnung
Kübler, B.; Passig, G.; Gruber, R.; Tretbar, Steffen; Degel, C.
2008 Immobilized cytokines as biomaterials for manufacturing immune cell based vaccines
Leclerc, C.; Brose, C.; Nouze, C.L.F.; Majlessi, L.; Becker, S.; Briesen, H. von; Lo-Man, R.
Journal Article
2008 Kennzeichnungsmerkmal zur Kennzeichnung eines Gewebebereichs
Lemor, R.
2008 Sequential conversion by catalytically active MIP and immobilized tyrosinase in a thermistor
Lettau, K.; Katterle, M.; Warsinke, A.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2008 Combined two frequency array for optoacoustics and acoustics
Maass, K.; Degel, C.; Fournelle, M.; Fonfara, H.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
2008 Live cell monitoring - development of an automated cell cultivation and monitoring system
Malthan, Dirk; Huchler, Roland; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Thielecke, Hagen; Hildebrandt, Cornelia; Zühlke, Dietlind
Conference Paper
2008 A simple, small and low cost permanent magnet design to produce homogeneous magnetic fields
Manz, B.; Benecke, M.; Volke, F.
Journal Article
2008 Normal human dermal fibroblasts differentiate into contractile myofibroblasts after contact with bioactive surfaces
Metzger, W.; Grenner, N.; Strehlow, R.; Pohlemann, T.; Oberringer, M.
Journal Article
2008 On the use of longitudinal intrafascicular peripheral interfaces for the control of cybernetic hand prostheses in amputees
Micera, S.; Navarro, X.; Carpaneto, J.; Citi, L.; Tonet, O.; Rossini, P.M.; Carrozza, M.C.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Vivo, M.; Yoshida, K.; Dario, P.
Journal Article
2008 Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of fossils across taxa
Mietchen, D.; Aberhan, M.; Manz, B.; Hampe, O.; Mohr, B.; Neumann, C.; Volke, F.
Journal Article
2008 In vivo assessment of cold adaptation in insect larvae by magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Mietchen, D.; Manz, B.; Volke, F.; Storey, K.
Journal Article
2008 Serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis infection using surface plasmon resonance
Nagel, T.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Tobisch, S.; Schulte-Spechtel, U.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2008 Direct detection of tuberculosis infection in blood serum using three optical label-free approaches
Nagel, T.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Singh, M.; Schmitt, K.; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Berka, A.; Bier, F.
Journal Article
2008 Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction on a microarray. The integrating concept of "active arrays"
Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Marschan, X.; Andresen, D.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2008 A hybrid microfluidic system for cancer diagnosis based on MEMS biosensors
Ortiz, P.; Keegan, N.; Spoors, J.; Hedley, J.; Harris, A.; Burdess, J.; Burnett, R.; Velten, T.; Biehl, M.; Knoll, T.; Haberer, W.; Solomon, M.; Campitelli, A.; McNeil, C.
Conference Paper
2008 Highly integrated polymer-based technology platform for in-vitro diagnostics
Otto, Thomas; Nestler, Jörg; Morschhauser, Andreas; Schüller, Martin; Geßner, T.; Krissler, Jan; Ebling, Frank; Wegener, Michael; Grzesiak, Andrzej; Burgard, Matthias; Brandenburg, Albrecht; Sulz, Gerd; Nebling, Eric; Hintsche, Rainer; Wirth, Ingo; Godlinski, Dirk; Tovar, Günter E.M.; Weber, Achim; Ehrentreich-Förster, Eva; Gajovic-Eichelmann, Nenad; Bier, Frank F.
Conference Paper
2008 4D warping for analysing morphological changes in seed development of barley grains
Pielot, R.; Seiffert, U.; Manz, B.; Weier, D.; Volke, F.; Weschke, W.
Conference Paper
2008 Subunits alpha, beta and gamma of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) are functionally related to the hypertonicity-induced cation channel (HICC) in rat hepatocytes
Plettenberg, S.; Weiss, E.C.; Lemor, R.; Wehner, F.
Journal Article
2008 Biologisch-technische Schnittstellen für die Neuroprothetik
Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Journal Article
2008 Coating of neural microelectrodes with intrinsically conducting polymers as a means to improve their electrochemical properties
Poppendieck, W.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2008 Optical properties of core-shell gold-silver and silver-gold nanoparticles for some laser wavelengths
Pustovalov, V.K.; König, K.; Astafyeva, L.G.; Fritzsche, W.
Conference Paper
2008 Distributions of laser radiation intensity inside gold nanoparticles during laser irradiation
Pustovalov, V.K.; König, K.; Astafyeva, L.G.
Conference Paper
2008 Analysis of recognition of fructose by imprinted polymers
Rajkumar, R.; Warsinke, A.; Möhwald, H.; Scheller, F.W.; Katterle, M.
Journal Article
2008 Thermometric MIP sensor for fructosyl valine
Rajkumar, R.; Katterle, M.; Warsinke, A.; Möhwald, H.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2008 ANYL 16-Label-free analyte detection using molecular imprints
Rajkumar, R.; Katterle, M.; Warsinke, A.; Moehwald, H.; Scheller, F.W.
Journal Article
2008 Investigations on the stability of platinum nanostructures on implantable microelectrodes - A first approach
Ramachandran, A.; Poppendieck, W.; Koch, K.P.; Donia, N.; Mathur, S.
Journal Article
2008 Two-photon imaging using a flexible endoscope
Riemann, I.; Schenkl, S.; Harzic, R. le; Sauer, D.; Ehlers, A.; Messerschmidt, B.; Bückle, R.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2008 Non-invasive analysis/diagnosis of human normal and melanoma skin tissues with two-photon FLIM in vivo
Riemann, I.; Ehlers, A.; Harzic, R. le; Dimitrow, E.; Kaatz, M.; Elsner, P.; Bückle, R.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2008 Die Fusion innovativer Sensorik mit intelligenter Telematikinfrastruktur am Beispiel des Telemonitorings kardiovaskulärer Parameter
Ruff, R.; Schäfer, M.; Kiefer, S.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2008 Increased degradation of extracellular matrix structures of lacrimal glands implicated in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome
Schenke-Layland, K.; Xie, J.; Angelis, E.; Starcher, B.; Wu, K.; Riemann, I.; MacLellan, W.R.; Hamm-Alvarez, S.F.
Journal Article
2008 LNCaP prostate cancer imaging with biologically functionalized gold nanoparticles in 2D and 3D cell cultures
Schol, D; Fleron, M.; Greisch, J.F.; Pauw-Gillet, M.C. de; Pauw, E. de; Jäger, M.; Frenz, M.; Eccles, S.A.; Bamber, J.; Frosini, S.; Masotti, L.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
2008 Implantierbares Kraftuebertragungssystem, insbesondere zur Einstellung eines Ventils
Scholz, O.; Biehl, M.
2008 Drug delivery from the oral cavity
Scholz, O.A.; Wolff, A.; Schumacher, A.; Giannola, L.I.; Campisi, G.; Ciach, T.; Velten, T.
Journal Article
2008 New modular HIV-cryosubstrates for secure and reliable sample identification and DMSO reduction in cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Schulz, J.C.; Ihmig, F.; Durst, C.H.; Shirley, S.G.; Reich, A.; Noah, C.; Korioth, F.; Kromminga, A.; Climaco, M.; Germann, A.; Zimmermann, H.; Briesen, H. von
Conference Paper
2008 First 3D ultrasound scanning, planning, and execution of CT-free milling interventions with a surgical robot
Stolka, P.; Federspil, P.A.; Henrich, D.; Tretbar, S.
Conference Paper
2008 Electrical stimulation-induced release of -endorphin from genetically modified neuro-2a cells
Storn, V.; Kirschbaum, M.; Schlosshauer, B.; Mack, A.F.; Fricke, C.
Journal Article
2008 Particle AC electrokinetics in planar interdigitated microelectrode geometry
Tathireddy, P.; Choi, Y.H.; Skliar, M.
Journal Article
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