Publication Type
2006 Peptide microarrays with site-specifically immobilized synthetic peptides for antibody diagnostics
Andresen, H.; Grötzinger, C.; Zarse, K.; Birringer, M.; Hessenius, C.; Kreuzer, O.J.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2006 Functional peptide microarrays for specific and sensitive antibody diagnostics
Andresen, H.; Grötzinger, C.; Zarse, K.; Kreuzer, O.J.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2006 Development of peptide microarrays for epitope mapping of antibodies against the human TSH receptor
Andresen, H.; Zarse, K.; Grötzinger, C.; Hollidt, J.-M.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.; Kreuzer, O.J.
Journal Article
2006 Evaluation of a DNA-microarray for rapid genotyping and detection of relevant genetic antibiotic resistance determinants in Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus
Antwerpen, M.; Schellhase, M.; Ehrentreich-Forster, E.; Bier, F.; Witte, W.; Nubel, U.
Journal Article
2006 Fluorescence lifetime images and correlation spectra obtained by multidimensional time-correlated single photon counting
Becker, W.; Bergmann, A.; Haustein, E.; Petrasek, Z.; Schwille, P.; Biskup, C.; Kelbauskas, L.; Benndorf, K.; Klöcker, N.; Anhut, T.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Journal Article
2006 DNA based bio-micro-electronic mechanical systems
Bier, F.F.; Andresen, D.; Walter, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 On the actuation of thin film longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes
Bossi, S.; Micera, S.; Menciassi, A.; Beccai, L.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Koch, K.-P.; Dario, P.
Conference Paper
2006 Stimulated trans-acting factor of 50 kDa (Staf50) inhibits HIV-1 replication in human monocyte-derived macrophages
Bouazzaoui, A.; Kreutz, M.; Eisert, V.; Bracharz, S.; Dinauer, N.; Heinzelmann, A.; Hallenberger, S.; Strayle, J.; Walker, R.; Rübsamen-Waigmann, H.; Andreesen, R.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2006 Stammzellentechnologie
Brüstle, O.; Fuhr, G.R.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 Lab-on-chip-based cell separation by combining dielectrophoresis and centrifugation
Böttcher, M.; Jäger, M.; Riegger, L.; Ducrée, J.; Zengerle, R.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2006 Influence of electrode position on the characterization of artery stenotic plaques by using impedance catheter
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2006 Characterization of tfLIFE neural response for the control of a cybernetic hand
Citi, L.; Carpaneto, J.; Yoshida, K.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Koch, K.P.; Dario, P.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2006 Localization of laser energy conversion by metal nanoparticles
Csaki, A.; Garwe, F.; Steinbrück, A.; Weise, A.; König, K.; Fritzsche, W.
Conference Paper
2006 Clonal analysis of long-term cultures from pancreatic stem cells
Danner, S.; Kruse, C.
Conference Paper
2006 Quantifying DNA dielectrophoresis
Du, M.-L.; Bier, F.F.; Hölzel, R.
Conference Paper
2006 Fluorescence lifetime imaging of human skin and hair
Ehlers, A.; Riemann, I.; Anhut, T.; Kaatz, M.; Elsner, P.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2006 Assay mit osmotisch induzierter Abtrennung und Anreicherung hochmolekularer nachzuweisender Substanzen und fluidisches Mikrosystem zu seiner Durchfuehrung
Ehwald, M.; Adleff, H.; Bier, F.; Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Ehwald, R.
2006 A long-term stable and adjustable osmotic pump for small volume flow based on principles of phloem loading
Ehwald, M.; Adleff, H.; Geggier, P.; Ehwald, R.
Journal Article
2006 Flexible organic field effect transistors for biomedical microimplants using polyimide and parylene C as substrate and insulator layers
Feili, D.; Schuettler, M.; Doerge, T.; Kammer, S.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Stieglitz, T.
Journal Article
2006 Controlling electrohydrodynamic pumping in microchannels through defined temperature fields
Felten, M.; Geggier, P.; Jäger, M.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2006 Optoelectronic signal transmission between liquid nitrogen and room temperature
Fuchs, C.C.; Ihmig, F.; Shirley, S.G.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2006 Kryoeinrichtung und zugehoeriges Betriebsverfahren
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.; Schoen, U.; Oh, Y.
2006 Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zur Bearbeitung einzelner biologischer Zellen
Fuhr, G.; Thielecke, H.
2006 Verfahren zur Immobilisierung von Molekuelen an Oberflaechen mittels weicher Nanopartikel fuer die Herstellung von Multiparameter-Immuntests
Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Michel, D.
2006 The microscopy cell (MicCell), a versatile modular flowthrough system for cell biology, biomaterial research, and nanotechnology
Gast, F.-U.; Dittrich, P.S.; Schwille, P.; Weigel, M.; Mertig, M.; Opitz, J.; Queitsch, U.; Diez, S.; Lincoln, B.; Wottawah, F.; Schinkinger, S.; Guck, J.; Käs, J.; Smolinski, J.; Salchert, K.; Werner, C.; Duschl, C.; Jäger, M.; Uhlig, K.; Geggier, P.; Howitz, S.
Journal Article
2006 An implantable neuroprosthesis for standing and walking in paraplegia: 5-year patient follow-up
Guiraud, D.; Stieglitz, T.; Koch, K.P.; Divoux, J.-L.; Rabischong, P.
Journal Article
2006 Original electronic design to perform epimysial and neural stimulation in paraplegia
Guiraud, D.; Stieglitz, T.; Taroni, G.; Divoux, J.-L.
Journal Article
2006 Autonomously contracting human cardiomyocytes generated from adult human pancreatic stem cells
Guldner, N.W.; Kajahn, J.; Klinger, M.; Sievers, H.-H.; Kruse, C.
Journal Article
2006 Autonomously contracting human cardiomyocytes generated from adult pancreatic stem cells and enhanced in co-cultures with myocardial biopsies
Guldner, N.W.; Kajahn, J.; Klinger, M.; Sievers, H.-H.; Kruse, C.
Journal Article
2006 New developments in corneal refractive surgery with femtosecond laser pulses
Harzic, Ronan Le; Martin, S.; Bückle, R.; Wüllner, C.; Donitzky, C.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2006 New coil concept for endoluminal MR imaging
Heye, T.; Kuntz, C.; Düx, M.; Encke, J.; Palmowski, M.; Autschbach, F.; Volke, F.; Kauffmann, G.W.; Grenacher, L.
Journal Article
2006 Technologien für die Zellforschung und Zelltherapie
Hildebrandt, C.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2006 Biologie und Technik im Verbund
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Journal Article
2006 Neuroprothesen - Implantierbare Mikrosysteme auf der Grundlage von Methoden der Neurobionik
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Carrozza, M.; Micera, S.; Koch, K.P.
Journal Article
2006 New technologies in manufacturing of different implantable microelectrodes as an interface to the peripheral nervous system
Hoffmann, K.P.; Koch, K.P.; Doerge, T.; Micera, S.
Conference Paper
2006 Long-term characterization of electrode materials for surface electrodes in biopotential recording
Hoffmann, K.P.; Ruff, R.; Poppendieck, W.
Conference Paper
2006 Comparative characterization of hair follicle dermal stem cells and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Hoogduijn, M.J.; Gorjup, E.; Genever, P.G.
Journal Article
2006 Reply: Comment on "Trapping single molecules by dielectrophoresis"
Hölzel, R.; Calander, N.; Chiragwandi, Z.; Willander, M.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2006 Low temperature electronics for the cryopreservation of living cells
Ihmig, F.; Shirley, S.G.; Fuchs, C.C.; Durst, C.H.P.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2006 Zur Funktion, Integration und Zuverlässigkeit elektronischer Bauelemente und Baugruppen in kryobiologischen Systemen
Ihmig, F.R.
Doctoral Thesis
2006 Cryogenic electronic memory infrastructure for physically related "continuity of care records" of frozen cells
Ihmig, F.R.; Shirley, S.G.; Durst, C.H.P.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2006 Untersuchungen zur minimal-invasiven Charakterisierung von 3-D-Zellverbänden mit Hilfe der Impedanzspektroskopie
Doctoral Thesis
2006 Investigation of cell adhesion to structured surfaces using total internal reflection fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy
Joos, U.; Biskup, T.; Ernst, O.; Westphal, I.; Gherasim, C.; Schmidt, R.; Edinger, K.; Pilarczyk, G.; Duschl, C.
Journal Article
2006 Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin bound to poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles in rat glioma cell lines using different assays
Juan, B.S. de; Briesen, H. von; Gelperina, S.E.; Kreuter, J.
Journal Article
2006 Human cardiomyogenic cells generated from adult human pancreatic stem cells
Kajahn, J.; Ciba, P.; Klinger, M.; Kruse, C.; Guldner, N.W.
Conference Paper
2006 Swelling-activated pathways in human T-Lymphocytes studied by cell volumetry and electrorotation
Kiesel, M.; Reuss, R.; Endter, J.; Zimmermann, D.; Zimmermann, H.; Shirakashi, R.; Bamberg, E.; Zimmermann, U.; Sukhorukov, V.L.
Journal Article
2006 Feasibility of inductive communication between millimeter-sized robots
Kim, S.; Knoll, T.; Scholz, O.
Conference Paper
2006 FEA simulation of thin film coils to power wireless neural interfaces
Kim, S.; Scholz, O.; Zoschke, K.; Harrison, R.; Solzbacher, F.; Klein, M.; Toepper, M.
Conference Paper
2006 Polymer-based implantable electrodes: State of the art and future prospects
Koch, K.P.; Ramachandran, A.; Poppendieck, W.; Feili, D.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2006 In vivo assessment of human skin aging by multiphoton laser scanning tomography
Koehler, M.J.; König, K.; Elsner, P.; Bückle, R.; Kaatz, M.
Journal Article
2006 Adult pancreatic stem/progenitor cells spontaneously differentiate in vitro into multiple cell lineages and form teratoma-like structures
Kruse, C.; Kajahn, J.; Petschnik, A.E.; Maaß, A.; Klink, E.; Rapoport, D.H.; Wedel, T.
Journal Article
2006 Towards the development of a pragmatic technique for isolating and differentiating nestin-positive cells from human scalp skin into neuronal and glial cell populations: Generating neurons from human skin?
Kruse, C.; Bodo, E.; Petschnik, A.E.; Danner, S.; Tiede, S.; Paus, R.
Journal Article
2006 Pancreatic stem cells form multicellular teratoma-like structures in vitro
Kruse, C.; Klink, E.; Kajahn, J.; Wedel, T.; Danner, S.
Conference Paper
2006 In vivo drug screening in human skin using femtosecond laser multiphoton tomography
König, F.; Ehlers, A.; Stracke, F.; Riemann, I.
Journal Article
2006 Femtosecond laser nanoprocessing using near-infrared nanojoule pulses at MHz repetition frequency
König, K.; Schuck, H.; Sauer, D.; Bauerfeld, F.; Stracke, F.; Velten, T.; Tchernook, A.; Martin, S.; Harzic, Ronan Le
Conference Paper
2006 Cell damage during multiphoton microscopy
König, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 Modifications of protoporphyrin IX fluorescence during ALA-based photodynamic therapy of endometriosis
König, K.; Wyss-Desserich, M.-T.; Tadir, Y.; Haller, U.; Tromberg, B.; Berns, M.W.; Wyss, P.
Journal Article
2006 Minimalinvasive Medizin
König, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 In vivo multiphoton tomography of skin cancer
König, K.; Riemann, I.; Ehlers, A.; Bückle, R.; Dimitrow, E.; Kaatz, M.; Fluhr, J.; Elsner, P.
Conference Paper
2006 Subcellular in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of Xenopus laevis oocytes
Lee, S.-C.; Cho, J.-H.; Mietchen, D.; Kim, Y.-S.; Hong, K.S.; Lee, C.; Kang, D.; Park, K.D.; Choi, B.-S.; Cheong, C.
Journal Article
2006 Influence of nanoencapsulation on human skin transport of flufenamic acid
Luengo, J.; Weiss, B.; Schneider, M.; Ehlers, A.; Stracke, F.; König, K.; Kostka, K.-H.; Lehr, C.-M.; Schäfer, U.F.
Journal Article
2006 A mobile one-sided NMR sensor with a homogeneous magnetic field: The NMR-MOLE
Manz, B.; Coy, A.; Dykstra, R.; Eccles, C.D.; Hunter, M.W.; Parkinson, B.J.; Callaghan, P.T.
Journal Article
2006 Experiments on the development and use of a new generation of intra-neural electrodes to control robotic devices
Micera, S.; Sergi, P.N.; Carpaneto, J.; Citi, L.; Bossi, S.; Koch, K.-P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Menciassi, A.; Yoshida, K.; Dario, P.
Conference Paper
2006 3D magnetic resonance microscopy of dehydrated biological specimens
Mietchen, D.
Doctoral Thesis
2006 Monolithic silicon optoelectronic transducers and elastomeric fluidic modules for bio-spotting and bio-assay experiments
Misiakos, K.; Petrou, P.S.; Kakabakos, S.E.; Vlahopoulou, M.E.; Tserepi, A.; Gogolides, E.; Ruf, H.H.
Conference Paper
2006 Magnetic resonance imaging of the siliceous skeleton of the demosponge Lubomirskia baicalensis
Müller, W.E.G.; Kaluzhnaya, O.V.; Belikov, S.I.; Rothenberger, M.; Schröder, H.C.; Reiber, A.; Kaandorp, J.A.; Manz, B.; Mietchen, D.; Volke, F.
Journal Article
2006 Laser-free TIRF microscopy in cell biology
Pilarczyk, G.; Joos, U.; Biskup, T.; Ernst, O.; Westphal, I.; Kahl, H.
Journal Article
2006 A study of parylene C polymer deposition inside microscale gaps
Ramachandran, A.; Koch, K.P.; Hoffmann, K.P.; Junk, M.
Journal Article
2006 Packaging of flexible and rigid micro implants for chronic implantation without the requirement of ceramic and titanium housings
Ramachandran, A.
Doctoral Thesis
2006 Design, in vitro and in vivo assessment of a multi-channel sieve electrode with integrated multiplexer
Ramachandran, A.; Schuettler, M.; Lago, N.; Doerge, T.; Koch, K.P.; Navarro, X.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Stieglitz, T.
Journal Article
2006 Rolling circle amplification for spatially directed synthesis of a solid phase anchored single-stranded DNA molecule
Reiss, E.; Hölzel, R.; Bier, F.F.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von
Conference Paper
2006 Multiphoton nanosurgery in cells and tissues
Riemann, I.; Stracke, F.; Sauer, D.; Martin, S.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2006 High-resolution multiphoton optical tomography of tissues: an in vitro and in vivo study
Riemann, I.; Schenke-Layland, K.; Ehlers, A.; Dimitrow, E.; Kaatz, M.; Elsner, P.; Martin, S.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2006 Biochip-compatible packaging and micro-fluidics for a silicon opto-electronic biosensor
Ruf, H.H.; Knoll, T.; Misiakos, K.; Haupt, R.B.; Denninger, M.; Larsen, L.B.; Petrou, P.S.; Kakabakos, S.E.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Conference Paper
2006 T@LEMED: Medical imaging tele-cooperation technologies providing medical services in Latin America
Sachpazidis, I.; Konnis, G.; Kiefer, S.; Rohm, K.; Lozano, A.; Yunda, L.; Selby, P.; Binotto, A.; Messina, L.A.; Sakas, G.
Conference Paper
2006 Two-photon microscopes and in vivo multiphoton tomographs - Powerful diagnostic tools for tissue engineering and drug delivery
Schenke-Layland, K.; Riemann, I.; Damour, O.; Stock, U.A.; König, K.
Journal Article
2006 Impact of cryopreservation on extracellular matrix structures of heart valve leaflets
Schenke-Layland, K.; Madershahian, D.; Riemann, I.; Starcher, B.; Halbhuber, K.J.; König, K.; Stock, U.A.
Journal Article
2006 Prototype electronic infrastructure for a cryo-repository
Shirley, S.G.; Ihmig, F.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2006 Multiphoton microscopy for the investigation of dermal penetration of nanoparticle-borne drugs
Stracke, F.; Weiss, B.; Lehr, C.-M.; König, K.; Schaefer, U.F.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2006 A biophysical approach to the optimisation of dendritic-tumour cell electrofusion
Sukhorukov, V.L.; Reuss, R.; Endter, J.M.; Fehrmann, S.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Geßner, P.; Steinbach, A.; Müller, K.J.; Karpas, A.; Zimmermann, U.; Zimmermann, H.
Journal Article
2006 Biopsy on living cells by ultra slow instrument movement
Thielecke, H.; Impidjati; Fuhr, G.R.
Journal Article
2006 Vorrichtung zum Prägen eines Foliensubstrates
Velten, T.; Schuck, H.; Knoll, T.; Bauerfeld, F.; Herrmann, J.; Haberer, W.
2006 Intelligent intraoral drug delivery microsystem
Velten, T.; Schuck, H.; Knoll, T.; Scholz, O.; Schumacher, A.; Göttsche, T.; Wolff, A.; Beiski, B.Z.
Journal Article
2006 Multiphoton imaging of corneal tissue with near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses
Wang, B.G.; König, K.; Riemann, I.; Schubert, H.; Halbhuber, K.J.
Conference Paper
2006 Corneal multiphoton microscopy and intratissue optical nanosurgery by nanojoule femtosecond near-infrared pulsed lasers
Wang, B.G.; König, K.; Halbhuber, K.J.
Journal Article
2006 Intraocular multiphoton microscopy with subcellular spatial resolution by infrared femtosecond lasers
Wang, B.G.; König, K.; Riemann, I.; Krieg, R.; Halbhuber, K.J.
Journal Article
2006 Ultrasonic standing wave manipulation technology integrated into a dielectrophoretic chip
Wiklund, M.; Günther, C.; Lemor, R.; Jäger, M.; Fuhr, G.; Hertz, H.M.
Journal Article
2006 Acute performance of the thin-film longitudinal intra-fascicular electrode
Yoshida, K.; Hennings, K.; Kammer, S.
Conference Paper
2006 Hochdruckvorrichtung und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung und Betrieb
Zimmermann, H.; Fuhr, G.
2006 Probenaufnahme fuer eine Kryoprobe und zugehoeriges Untersuchungsverfahren
Zimmermann, H.; Fuhr, G.R.; Hagedorn, R.; Schelenz, S.
2006 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Behandlung biologischer Zellen auf einem Substrat
Zimmermann, H.; Ehrhart, F.; Fuhr, G.
2006 Mechanical properties of HeLa cells at different stages of cell cycle by time-resolved acoustic microscope
Zinin, P.V.; Weiss, E.C.; Anastasiadis, P.; Lemor, R.M.
Journal Article
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