Publication Type
2005 Interaction between organophosphate compounds and cholinergic functions during development
Aluigi, M.G.; Angelini, C.; Falugi, C.; Fossa, R.; Genever, P.; Gallus, L.; Layer, P.G.; Prestipino, G.; Rakonczay, Z.; Sgro, M.; Thielecke, H.; Trombino, S.
Conference Paper
2005 Development of a DNA-Chip for detection of pathogens in poultry
Andresen, H.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Bier, F.F.; Kuhn, M.
Meeting Abstract
2005 Miniaturized multiplexed immunoassays for antibody detection and characterization with peptide microarrays
Andresen, H.; Zarse, K.; Grötzinger, C.; Kreuzer, O.J.; Hollidt, J.M.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Meeting Abstract
2005 Cell signalling during sea urichin development: A model for assessing toxicology of environmental contaminats
Angelini, C.; Aluigi, M.G.; Sgro, M.; Trombino, S.; Thielecke, H.; Falugi, C.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2005 Nonlinear laser scanning microscopy and microprocessing of biological and technical materials using a new diode-pumped solid-state femtosecond laser with cavity dumping
Anhut, T.; Riemann, I.; König, K.; Harzic, Ronan Le; Killi, A.; Morgner, U.
Conference Paper
2005 Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on dielectric surfaces in total internal reflection geometries
Anhut, T.; Hassler, K.; Lasser, T.; König, K.; Rigler, R.
Conference Paper
2005 Adult stem cells can be isolated from human and rat pancreas
Assmuth, K.; Maass, A.; Wedel, T.; Kruse, C.
Conference Paper
2005 Integration concepts for the fabrication of LTCC structures
Baker, A.; Lanagan, M.; Randall, C.; Semouchkina, E.; Semouchkin, G.; Rajad, K.; Mittra, R.; Eitel, R.; Rhee, S.; Geggier, P.; Duschl, C.; Fuhr, G.R.
Journal Article
2005 Preparation and characterisation of antibody modified gelatin nanoparticles as drug carrier system for uptake in lymphocytes
Balthasar, S.; Michaelis, K.; Dinauer, N.; Briesen, H. von; Kreuter, J.; Langer, K.
Journal Article
2005 Three-dimensional in vitro reaggregates of embryonic cardiomyocytes: A potential model system for monitoring effects of bioactive agents
Bartholomä, P.; Gorjup, E.; Monz, D.; Reininger-Mack, A.; Thielecke, H.; Robitzki, A.
Journal Article
2005 A more aggressive breast cancer spheroid model coupled to an electronic capillary sensor system for a high-content screening of cytotoxic agents in cancer therapy: 3-dimensional in vitro tumor spheroids as a screening model
Bartholomä, P.; Impidjati; Reininger-Mack, A.; Zhang, Z.; Thielecke, H.; Robitzki, A.A.
Journal Article
2005 Fluorescence lifetime images and correlation spectra obtained by multidimensional TCSPC
Becker, W.; Bergmann, A.; Haustein, E.; Petrasek, Z.; Schwille, P.; Biskup, C.; Anhut, T.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Microsystems in biotechnology
Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2005 Mikrosysteme in der Medizin : Anwendung, Technologie, Vergütung
Bolz, A.; Dehm, J.; Hahn, A.; Hofmann, U.; Koch, K.P.; Lenarz, T.; Meindl, R.C.; Reuter, G.; Rosahl, S.; Rolf, A.; Schneider, H.; Stieglitz, T.; Wildau, J.
2005 Neuroendokrine Differenzierung im Prostatakarzinom: ein Marker für die androgen- und Strahlenresistenz
Bonkhoff, H.; Fixemer, T.
Journal Article
2005 Bedeutung der Östrogene und ihrer Rezeptoren für die Entstehung und Progression des Prostatakarzinoms
Bonkhoff, H.; Fixemer, T.
Journal Article
2005 Visualization of apoptotic cells using scanning acoustic microscopy and high frequency ultrasound
Brand, S.; Czarnota, G.J.; Kolios, M.C.; Weiss, E.C.; Lemor, R.
Conference Paper
Bresser, B.; Paul, V.
2005 Controlled release of antiretrovirals
Briesen, H. von
Conference Paper
2005 MICRON: Small autonomous robot for cell manipulation applications
Brufau, J.; Puig-Vidal, M.; Lopez-Sanchez, J.; Samitier, J.; Snis, N.; Simu, U.; Johansson, S.; Driesen, W.; Breguet, J.-M.; Gao, J.; Velten, T.; Seyfried, J.; Estana, R.; Woern, H.
Conference Paper
2005 A monolithic control circuit for a 1cm3 microrobot for biological experiments
Casanova, R.; Dieguez, A.; Lacort, J.; Arbat, A.; Puig-Vidal, M.; Samitier, J.; Nierlich, M.; Steinmetz, O.
Conference Paper
2005 A specific integrated controller for nanomicroscopy and cellular manipulation
Casanova, R.; Lacort, J.; Dieguez, A.; Arbat, A; Puig, M.; Samitier, J.; Nierlich, M.; Steinmetz, O.; Scholz, O.
Conference Paper
2005 Simulated impedance of atheroma versus position of electrode array
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2005 Design of electrode array for impedance measurement of lesions in arteries
Cho, S.; Thielecke, H.
Journal Article
2005 A novel DNA restriction technology based on laser pulse energy conversion on sequence-specific bound metal nanoparticles
Czaki, A.; Maubach, G.; Garwe, F.; Steinbrück, A.; König, K.; Fritzsche, W.
Conference Paper
2005 Ultraschallwandler zum Betrieb in einem unter erhoehtem Druck stehenden Medium
Degel, C.
2005 Effects of short-term training on sensory and motor function in severed nerves of long-term human amputees
Dhillon, G.S.; Krüger, T.B.; Sandhu, J.S.; Horch, K.W.
Journal Article
2005 Selective targeting of antibody-conjugated nanoparticles to leukemic cells and primary T-lymphocytes
Dinauer, N.; Balthasar, S.; Weber, C.; Kreuter, J.; Langer, K.; Briesen, H. von
Journal Article
2005 XML based process management in cryo-biotechnology: The ChameleonLab
Durst, C.H.P.; Ihmig, F.; Zimmermann, H.; Biel, M.; Daffertshofer, M.
Conference Paper
2005 Multiphoton tomography of epidermis and dermis
Ehlers, A.; Riemann, I.; Anhut, T.; Kobow, J.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Barium-alginate microcapsule formation for regenerative medicine validated by high speed video
Ehrhart, F.; Katsen-Globa, A.; Reuss, R.; Feilen, P.J.; Schelenz, S.; Sukhorukov, V.L.; Zimmermann, U.; Weber, M.M.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2005 Organic field effect transistors for neural stimulation - In vitro tests
Feili, D.; Schuettler, M.; Koch, K.P.; Stieglitz, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Encapsulation of organic field effect transistors for flexible biomedical microimplants
Feili, D.; Schüttler, M.; Doerge, T.; Kammer, S.; Stieglitz, T.
Journal Article
2005 Organic field effect transistors for neural stimulation - In vivo tests
Feili, D.; Schuettler, M.; Koch, K.P.; Stieglitz, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Development of low cost all polymer microelectrodes for use in neural prosthetics application
Feili, D.; Koch, K.P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Metal nanoparticles as passive and active tools for bioanalytics
Fritzsche, W.; Czaki, A.; Steinbrück, A.; Garwe, F.; König, K.; Raschke, M.
Conference Paper
2005 Substratstapel, insbesondere fuer die Kryokonservierung biologischer Proben
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.; Degel, C.; Trautmann, T.
2005 Probenaufnahmeeinrichtung und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.; Fixemer, T.
2005 Magnetische Manipulation von biologischen Proben
Fuhr, G.
2005 Tieftemperaturspeicherung von Suspensionsproben in haengenden Probenkammern
Fuhr, G.; Zimmermann, H.
2005 Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zur verletzungsfreien Bewegung einer Sonde durch biologisches Zellmaterial
Fuhr, G.R.; Zimmermann, H.
2005 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Handhabung einer Probe
Fuhr, G.R.; Schoen, U.; Zimmermann, H.
2005 Signals, receptors, and cytokines involved in the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of apoptotic cells
Führnrohr, B.G.; Sheriff, A.; Munoz, L.; Briesen, H. von; Urbonaviciute, V.; Neubert, K.; Kalden, J.R.; Herrmann, M.; Voll, R.E.
Journal Article
2005 Von Milli und Mikro bis Nano und Piko
Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Kuhn, A.
Journal Article
2005 Novel electrochemical assay for H2O2 determination in aqueous solutions: A non time-critical method for H2O2 trace level detection
Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2005 Nanobiotechnologie
Gajovic-Eichelmann, N.; Bier, F.F.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2005 Inductive power transmission for untethered micro-robots
Gao, J.
Conference Paper
2005 Laser pulse energy conversion on sequence-specifically bound metal nanoparticles and its application for DNA manipulation
Garwe, F.; Czaki, A.; Maubach, G.; Steinbrück, A.; Weise, A.; König, K.
Journal Article
2005 Construction of cDNA templates as a basis for homologous and linear amplification of RNA
Goris, T.; Nickisch-Rosenegk, M. von; Bier, F.F.
Meeting Abstract
2005 Experimentelle Erprobung eines neuen Spulendesigns zur endoluminalen MRT am Beispiel des Schweinemagens
Grenacher, L.; Heye, T.; Kuntz, C.; Palmowski, M.; Autschbach, F.; Manz, B.; Benecke, M.; Volke, F.; Kauffmann, G.W.; Düx, M.
Journal Article
2005 Investigations of adhesion and encapsulation properties on hybrid cuff electrodes used materials in in vitro experiments
Grosse Holthaus, M.; Kammer, S.; Hanauer, M.; Koch, K.P.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Untersuchungsverfahren und Untersuchungsanordnung
Hagedorn, R.; Schelenz, S.
2005 Laser safety aspects for refractive eye surgery with femtosecond laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Bückle, R.; Wüllner, C.; Donitzky, C.; König, K.
Journal Article
2005 Ablation comparison with low and high energy densities for Cu and Al with ultra-short laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Breitling, D.; Weikert, M.; Sommer, S.; Föhl, C.; Dausinger, F.; Valette, S.; Donnet, C.; Audouard, E.
Journal Article
2005 Processing of metals by double pulses with short laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Breitling, D.; Sommer, S.; Föhl, C.; König, K.; Dausinger, F.; Audouard, E.
Journal Article
2005 Sub-100 nm nanostructuring of silicon by ultrashort laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Schuck, H.; Sauer, D.; Anhut, T.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Journal Article
2005 Nanoprocessing of semiconductors and metals with nJ femtosecond laser pulses
Harzic, R. le; Sauer, D.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Pulse width and energy influence on laser micromachining of metals in a range of 100 fs to 5 ps
Harzic, R. le; Breitling, D.; Weikert, M.; Sommer, S.; Föhl, C.; Valette, S.; Donnet, C.; Audouard, E.; Dausinger, F.
Journal Article
2005 Pulse duration and energy density influence on laser processing of metals with short and ultrashort pulses
Harzic, Ronan Le; Breitling, D.; Sommer, S.; Fohl, C.; Valette, S.; König, K.; Dausinger, F.; Audouard, E.
Conference Paper
2005 Time-resolved Hadamard fluorescence imaging
Hassler, K.; Anhut, T.; Lasser, T.
Journal Article
2005 High count rates with total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Hassler, K.; Anhut, T.; Rigler, R.; Gösch, M.; Lasser, T.
Journal Article
2005 Immobilization of DNA on microarrays
Heise, C.; Bier, F.F.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2005 Chip based immunoassays for diagnostic of autoimmun antibodies as an alternative to cell based bioassays
Henkel, J.; Ehrentreich-Förster, E.; Bier, F.F.
Meeting Abstract
2005 Diagnose und Therapiekontrolle - Ein System zur Aufnahme, Verarbeitung und Visualisierung von registrierten Freihand-3D-Ultraschall-Daten
Hewener, H.; Hoss, M.; Tretbar, S.; Günther, C.G.; Lemor, R.M.
Conference Paper
2005 Experimental intraretinal tissue ablation using femtosecond-laser pulses
Hild, M.; Krause, M.H.J.; Löw, U.; Ruprecht, K.W.; Riemann, I.; König, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Schnittstelle zwischen Biologie und Technik: Implantierbare Mikroelektroden
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Koch, K.P.; Dörge, T.
Journal Article
2005 Converging technologies in education
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Development of a measurement device to characterise surface electrodes for a 24/7 monitoring
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Koch, K.P.; Ruff, R.
Conference Paper
2005 Implantable microelectrodes as an interface to the peripheral nervous system
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Koch, K.P.; Stieglitz, T.
Conference Paper
2005 Neural prostheses: A comprehensive study of the initiative micro medicine for an emerging application field
Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Development of implantable microelectrodes using converging technologies
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Feili, D.; Ramachandran, A.; Koch, K.P.
Conference Paper
2005 Comparative characterisation of hair follicle dermal stem cells and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Hoogduijn, M.J.; Gorjup, E.; Genever, P.G.
Conference Paper
2005 Warten auf die Wunderkarte?
Hujara, M.; Weber, G.; Paul, V.
Journal Article
2005 Trapping single molecules by dielectrophoresis
Hölzel, R.; Calander, N.; Chiragwandi, Z.; Willander, M.; Bier, F.F.
Journal Article
2005 Evaluation of a capillary measuring system for the characterisation of small tissue samples by impedance spectroscopy at higher frequencies
Impidjati; Leonard, F.; Thielecke, H.
Conference Paper
2005 Simulation and in-vitro investigations of the penetration behavior of flexible microelectrodes into neural tissue
Joseph, C.; Meyer, C.; Schweigmann, M.; Ruff, R.; Koch, K.P.
Conference Paper
2005 Cell cryopreservation on nanostructured surfaces: Block-face scanning electron microscopic method for stydying of the cell-substrate interface
Katsen-Globa, A.; Pflüger, S.; Zwanzig, M.; Fiedler, S.; Howitz, S.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2005 A new method for high throughput screening of cell spreading on non-transparent, nanostructured surfaces: Automated processing of scanning electron microscopic images
Katsen-Globa, A.; Peter, L.; Daffertshofer, M.; Preckel, H.; Schmitt, D.; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2005 Cryopreservation of caco-2 human colon cancer cells in Fraunhofer micro-cryosubstrates: SEM and block-face-SEM for study of cell differentiation after thawing
Katsen-Globa, A.; Malpique, R.; Ehrhart, F.; Alves, P.M; Zimmermann, H.
Conference Paper
2005 Contactless handling of biological nanoparticles by dielectrophoretic forces - Tools and results
Kentsch, J.; Geggier, P.; Gradl, G.; Müller, T.; Normann, A.; Schnelle, T.; Stelzle, M.
Conference Paper
2005 Telemedicine in developing countries, optimizing health care resources by telehealth platforms, an example from Latin-America
Kiefer, S.; Sachpazidis, I.
Conference Paper
2005 Implantable active telemetry system using microcoils
Kim, S.; Scholz, O.
Conference Paper
2005 Modulares Implantatekonzept
Koch, K.P.; Scholz, O.; Kiefer, S.
Conference Paper
2005 Microfabrication of neural prostheses
Koch, K.P.
Conference Paper
2005 Hybrid cuff electrode for recording nerve signals from sacral nerves
Koch, K.P.; Kammer, S.; Böhler, G.; Hanauer, M.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Ultrastructural analysis of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived chondrocytes
Kramer, J.; Klinger, M.; Kruse, C.; Faza, M.; Harguss, G.; Rohwedel, J.
Journal Article
2005 Telemetric long-term monitoring and intraoperative optical surveillance of motility in the small intestine
Krueger, T.B.; Limberger, A.; Menger, M.D.; Schilling, M.K.; Loew, T.; Stieglitz, T.; Hoffmann, K.-P.
Conference Paper
2005 Testing procedures for safe cell stimulation parameters with micro-electrodes using living cells
Krueger, TB; Becker, S.; Hoffmann, K.-P.; Stieglitz, T.
Conference Paper
2005 Buchbesprechung - Kursad Turksen, Adult Stem Cells. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, ISBN1-58829-152-9 (346 Seiten, US$135).
Kruse, C.
Journal Article
2005 Adulte pluripotente Stammzellen
Kruse, C.
2005 Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Epithelzellen enthaltenden Zellzusammensetzung
Kruse, C.; Fuhr, G.
2005 Differentiation of adult pancreatic stem cells can be induced
Kruse, C.; Maass, A.; Assmuth, K.; Blanke, S.; Wedel, T.
Conference Paper
2005 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Kultivieren von Stammzellen
Kruse, C.; Fuhr, G.
2005 Time-resolved and spectrally resolved 5D multiphoton microscopy for analysis and nanoprocessing of materials
König, K.; Riemann, I.; Schuck, H.; Sauer, D.; Velten, T.; Harzic, Ronan Le
Conference Paper
2005 Nanoprocessing of DNA with NIR femtosecond laser
König, K.; Riemann, I.; Fritzsche, W.; Czaki, A.; Maubach, G.; Garwe, F.
Conference Paper
2005 Cornea surgery with nanojoule femtosecond laser pulses
König, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Nanoprocessing with nanojoule near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses
König, K.; Riemann, I.; Stracke, F.; Harzic, R. le
Journal Article
2005 In vivo non-invasive multiphoton tomography of human skin
König, K.; Riemann, I.; Ehlers, A.; Harzic, R. le
Conference Paper
2005 Multiphoton autofluorescence imaging of intratissue elastic fibers
König, K.; Schenke-Layland, K.; Riemann, I.; Stock, U.A.
Journal Article
2005 An integrated controller for a flexible and wireless atomic force microscopy
Lacort, J.; Casanova, R.; Brufau, J.; Arbat, A; Dieguez, A.; Nierlich, M.; Steinmetz, O.; Puig, M.; Samitier, J.
Conference Paper
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